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Geo-Energy-Systems and Subsurface Technologies

The successful management of the energy transition is the challenge facing the entire energy sector. The intelligent use of the deep underground holds enormous potential for this, be it in the production of crude oil and natural gas as a continued substantial source of energy and basic materials, the sustainable use of natural gas and hydrogen storage, the use of geothermal potential for local heat supply, the extraction of metals in high demand worldwide such as rare earths and lithium. This unique expertise requires the continuous development and implementation of innovative ideas. We support this process by providing a platform for an independent exchange of knowledge and experience, and by addressing topics relevant to the entire energy sector through our collaborative research.

In our work, we draw on a broad industry-wide and cross-industry network of university scientists and experts who are dedicated to the use of the deep underground. In our committees, we regularly discuss current topics in the fields of oil and gas production, underground storage of natural gas, hydrogen and geothermal energy. We regularly invite to working groups, workshops and web seminars to promote knowledge exchange and dialogue within the network. With our annual DGMK Spring Conference, we offer an expert forum where science and industry can exchange information on the latest scientific and technical developments and innovations.

OMV Stock Corporation

Acquisition of 3D seismics for hydrocarbon exploration in Lower Austria.

Your Contact to the DGMK Office

Dr. Nicole Grobys

Head of the Geo-Energy-Systems and Subsurface Technologies Department

Ines Musekamp

Coordination of the Department Geo-Energy-Systems and Subsurface Technologies

Helen Werner

Research Officer of the Department of Geo-Energy Systems and Underground Technologies

Joint Research

The dialogue between science and industry continually gives rise to ideas for research and development, which we continue to pursue within the framework of our joint research. We regularly publish the results of our research projects as DGMK research reports.

Our core areas of expertise are geosciences, drilling and completion technology, reservoir technology, materials handling technology and underground storage technology.

We are always interested in innovative ideas to further improve the processes and technologies for the storage of natural gas, hydrogen and CO2, the exploration & production of hydrocarbons and geothermal energy. Project outlines can always be sent to the head of the department.

More information on research funding in the Department of Geo-Energy Systems and Underground Technology can be found here:

For more information on research funding in the Department of Geo-Energy Systems and Subsurface Technologies, please click here:


The DGMK/ÖGEW Spring Conference is the most successful specialist conference in the German-speaking world on all relevant topics of sustainable use of the deep underground. Our conference has traditionally been held in Celle for over 40 years and offers more than 650 experts from the E&P sector, service sector and storage industry as well as the scientific community associated with the energy sector the opportunity for exchange and discussion. Numerous company exhibitors use the spring conference to present their latest developments. The authors' contributions will be published as DGMK conference proceedings following the conference.

Our district groups regularly organise lectures and lecture series on our specialist topics. For the specialist area of geo-energy systems and underground technologies, the events of the district groups Hanover, Hamburg-Bremen and Ruhr are particularly noteworthy. Participation is free of charge for DGMK members.

In organising workshops and conferences we also cooperate with the European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers (EAGE), the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), the Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics (LIAG), the State Office for Mining, Energy and Geology, and the German Section of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (GSSPE).

Head of Division

Dr. Jürgen Rückheim

GCR – Geoenergie Consulting Rückheim


Heike Bernhardt


Kati Hanack

Business Unit Deutschland von Harbour Energy

Robert Merkelbach

Vermilion Energy Germany GmbH & Co. KG

Reinhard Oswald

Representative of the ÖGEW

OMV Exploration & Production GmbH

Dr. Carsten Reinhold

Eavor GmbH

Christian Sonnenschein


Jörg Uhde

geopfalz GmbH & Co. KG

Axel Weiss

ExxonMobil Production Deutschland GmbH

Support group of the department Geo-Energy Systems and Subsurface Technologies

(Article 13 (9) of the Statute)

Prof. Dr. Leonhard Ganzer

Clausthal University of Technology
Institute of Subsurface Energy Systems

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christoph Hilgers

Karlsruher Institute of Technology (KIT)

Dr.-Ing. Michael Neubert

Baker Hughes, a GE company

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Reich

TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Institut für Bohrtechnik und Fluidbergbau
Freiberg (Sachsen)

Edna Michelle Bisso Bi Mba

Representative of the GSSPE

Harbour Energy