Technical Committee
role to compensate for the diurnal and seasonal changes in natural gas consumption.
Natural gas is stored both in pore storage facilities and in cavern storage facilities, while crude oil and other liquid hydrocarbons are stored exclusively in cavern storage facilities.
In the course of the energy transition, the shares of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide in the transport network are increasing due to the increasing feed-in of biogas and hydrogen from renewable energies into the transmission network. For storage operation, these substances mean additional technical challenges, for example concerning the solution-precipitation reactions or the suitability of the materials used. This is where DGMK research in the Underground Storage Technology Expert Committee comes in.
Roman Przyrowski
Uniper Energy Storage GmbH
Your Contact to the DGMK Office
Dr. Susanne Kuchling
Head of the Geo-Energy-Systems and Subsurface Technologies Department
Helen Werner
Scientific Officer of the Department of Geo-Energy Systems and Underground Technologies