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Research Funding in the DGMK

With our services, we create a bridge between science and practice. In our projects, companies from the energy sector work together with universities and research institutes. We thus maintain what is probably the most extensive R&D network on the subject of energy sources in the German-speaking world.

Our research projects are financed exclusively by industry and/or public research funds, which we apply for separately for each project. The DGMK has no fixed research budget. Through our departments we support applicants in applying for research funds, and take over the tasks of project coordination.

We publish the results of our research in the series of DGMK research reports, in which over 500 volumes have already been published.


Joint Research

With our joint research, we are pursuing three main objectives:

1. We want to contribute to the general success of the industry with the findings, developments, and innovations from our research.

2. The exchange of information and knowledge between industrial companies and universities should provide impulses for creative solutions to technical and scientific challenges.

3. The participants educate themselves further through the project work and transfer their knowledge to their companies and institutes

The DGMK's departments are responsible for joint research. The department responsible for each field of work coordinates the technical-scientific cooperation.
The topics of our joint research are defined by the focal points of the departments.

IGF Industrial Collective Research

Industrial Collective Research (IGF) is a unique, open-topic and pre-competitive funding program of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) that provides small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with easy access to practice-oriented research. The program is cross-sectoral and promotes pre-competitive research projects.

AiF SME Research Network

The DGMK Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für nachhaltige Energieträger, Mobilität und Kohlenstoffkreisläufe e.V. is a member of the AiF e.V.

The AiF is the industry-supported network for the promotion of research, transfer and innovation in SMEs. Its aim is to initiate research for SMEs, to qualify young scientists and specialists in innovative fields and to organize the exchange of scientific research results.

Research Funding in the Departments

On the pages of the departments you can learn more about the individual research topics, the application procedures, and the contact persons at the DGMK office.