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Classification of the Central European Basin System (CEBS)

The first part of the DGMK-Project 577-2 summarized the results of 36 research projects (DGMK-Research Report 577-2/1), which were funded within the priority research programme of the German Science Foundation (DFG) entitled “Dynamics of complex sedimentary basins under varying stress conditions by example of the Central European Basin System”. The projects, co-sponsored by the DGMK-Project 577-1, were carried out from 2002 to 2008.

The second part of the DGMK-Project 577-2 focused on building a large-scale dynamic 3D structural model of the Central European Basin System (CEBS) by integrating smaller models derived previously and completing the model area by additional data-sources. Based on that model, the structural evolution and the salt movements within the CEBS were reconstructed (GFZ Potsdam, DGMK-Research Report 577-2/2) and – for a selected region within the Southern Permian Basin – the temperature field and the generation and accumulation of hydrocarbons were modeled (RWTH Aachen, DGMK-Research Report 577-2/3). Finally, the CEBS has been classified and compared with other sedimentary basins worldwide (HJ Brink).

This research report covers the results of work carried out by HJ Brink within the second part of the DGMK-Project 577-2. The characteristics of the North German Basin are compared with several other important hydrocarbon bearing basins on Earth based on their Field Size Distributions. A weak inverse relationship between the internal complexity of a basin and the half-life time of the basin could be established. The basin modifying tectonics, of which the development of the North German saltdomes remains an important part as well as the subsidence and inversion of the Lower Saxony Basin – affected by a questionable intrusion of Bramsche –, and fluid re-distributions due to young processes is being discussed.

H.-J. Brink
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80,00 €