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DGMK-Project Drilling and Completion

Investigations concerning the Damage Potential of Drilling Fluids — Return Permeability Tests under Dynamic Conditions (Phases 1 to 4)

Research Center
TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institute for Drilling Technology and Fluid Mining - Dr. H. Strauß, Dr. C. Freese
Project Accompaniment
DEA Deutsche Erdoel AG, Wietze - Dr. O. Czuprat (Project Spokesman)
EMPG, Hannover - Dr. K. U. Belohlavek
ENGIE E&P Germany GmbH, Lingen - D. Klaus
Reason and Goal

The engineering control of hydrocarbon wells requires the most precise knowledge possible of the conditions in the borehole. One of the challenges concerns formation damage caused by the drilling fluid used. The initial permeability of the carrier rock can be significantly reduced by gelling of the mudstone, increased filtrate values, corrosion phenomena, by very low viscosities of polymer suspensions and by an overall greatly increased reactivity of all components and media coming into contact with each other.
The aim of the project is the development and construction of a test facility that allows the execution of return permeability tests (RP tests) under simulated borehole conditions. Subsequently, RP tests with different core samples and mud systems are planned in order to identify those factors which can lead to formation damage.


The project has been completed.


Strauss, H., Freese, C. (2018): “Key Factors for Evaluating Reservoir Formation Damage Potential by Laboratory Testing: Fundamentals and Experiences” DGMK Workshop on Formation Damage, Arbeitskreis Bohrspülung, Wien, Österreich

Freese, C., Strauss, H. (2017): “Investigations on the Damage Potential of Drilling Fluids: HT/HP-Return-Permeability Tests under Dynamic Conditions” OMAE, Trondheim, Norway

Freese, C.; Strauß, H.; Voigt, H.-D.; Bungert, D.; Klaus, D.; Schulze, K. (2011): „Untersuchungen zum Schädigungspotential von Bohrspülungen - Return Permeability Tests unter dynamischen Bedingungen“ DGMK/ÖGEW Frühjahrstagung, Celle, Deutschland

Project Status

Research Report
70,00 €
70,00 €

DEA German Oil AG

ExxonMobil Production Germany GmbH

Neptune Energy Germany GmbH