Drilling and Completion
Investigation on the Damaging Potential of Drilling Fluids – Return Permeability Tests under Dynamic Conditions
The exploration and production of hydrocarbons is focused more and more on reservoirs
at greater depths. This results in increasing temperatures and pressures in these regions.
For an efficient exploitation it is essential to avoid any damage of the formation. In
order to be able to estimate drilling fluids and treatment fluids with regard to their damaging
potential, filtration tests - so called return permeability tests - in carrier rocks are carried
The literature review and analysis revealed that currently there is no return permeability
testing equipment available that meets the increased requirements on pressure and
temperature. Based on common conceptions the construction of a new circulation plant
for temperatures of up to 180°C and pressures of up to 350 bar was proposed and carried
out. In the second part of this report the built return permeability testing plant, feasible
for static and dynamic filtration, is presented in detail. First results are documented.
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