Technical Committee
Ulrich Nowak
GMA-Gesellschaft für Mineralöl-Analytik und Qualitätsmanagement mbH + Co. KG
Your Contact to the DGMK Office
Jan Ludzay
Head of the Refining and Product Application Department
Working Groups
The committee works closely with the petrochemical experts who are members of the Additives Working Group. The working group is assigned to the technical committees Fuels and Fuels.
Current Issues
Fuel Oils
Interaction of paraffinic fuels with mineral oil residues in the tank
Fuel Oils
Investigation on additives in paraffinic e-fuels and on the applicability of current no-harm test methods for middle distillate applications
Fuel Oils
Avoidance of ageing products and deposits of e-fuels as drop-in components in heating oil in components of burner systems in application-technical test benches
Fuel Oils
Compatibility of Synthetic Paraffinic Liquid Fuels with Plastics in Existing Domestic Heating Systems
Refining and Product Application
Influence of Fuel Composition on Residue Formation During the Evaporation of Liquid Fuels in Porous Media
Refining and Product Application
Compatibility of Synthetic Paraffinic Liquid Fuels with Plastics in Existing Domestic Heating Systems
Refining and Product Application
Criteria catalog for additives in fuel oil
Refining and Product Application
Development of a rapid aging method for middle distillate substitutes to reproduce the (long-term) storage stability behavior by means of parallel online measurement of several stability parameters.
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More Information
How will we heat tomorrow? What fuels will we use in the future and what heating technologies will we use? Experts from the petroleum, biofuel and additives industries meet in the Fuels Expert Committee to discuss scientific/technical topics relating to GHG-reduced fuels and their use in existing plants.
The questions are researched together with experts from the petrochemical industry, manufacturers of heating technology, suppliers and process technology and analytics, e.g.