The DGMK is a non-profit association which, in accordance with its statutes, pursues the promotion of science, research, technology and further education in its specialist areas.
Organisationally, the association is headed by a board of directors, which is elected by the general assembly. The board of directors appoints a management board to conduct the current business of the DGMK. A Scientific Advisory Board assists the Executive Board and the Management in an advisory function. All members of the Scientific Advisory Board are volunteers.
The German National Committee of the World Petroleum Concil (DNK) is a committee of the DGMK, which deals with all questions from the German point of view, which are connected with the organization of the 'World Petroleum Congress'. The members of the DNK are appointed by the Executive Board of the DGMK from among the members of the DGMK for the period from the end of one Congress to the end of the following Congress.
The five departments are responsible for the scientific work in the DGMK. The departments are each headed by a department head. Their tasks include shaping the work of the divisions, setting technical priorities, promoting technical-scientific exchange, supporting DGMK research and representing the results of the joint work both internally and externally. At least one member of the DGMK office is assigned to each department to take care of the day-to-day business.
The Technical Committee on Petroleum and Fuel Standardization (FAM) of the Standards Committee for Materials Testing (NMP) is a department of the NMP at DIN and operates in accordance with DIN guidelines. In accordance with the agreement between DIN and DGMK of 16.2.1978, the FAM office is affiliated organizationally, financially and in terms of personnel with DGMK Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für nachhaltige Energieträger, Mobilität und Kohlenstoffkreisläufe e.V. in Hamburg.
As regional representations of the DGMK, the board of directors has established a total of seven regional groups. The regional groups elect a chairperson and up to two deputies from among their members, who have the task of shaping the work of the regional groups. The focus of the work of the regional groups is the networking of the regionally based members of the DGMK, for example by organising lecture events.