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DGMK-Project Underground Storage Technology

Safe and innovative development concepts for the expansion, subsequent use and monitoring of underground storage facilities for hydrogen - SAMUH2

01.01.2022 - 31.12.2024
Research Center
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Prof. Dr. F. Schilling, Dr. B. Müller (Dept. of Petrophysics TP), Institute of Applied Geosciences;
Prof. Dr. P. Blum (Dept. of Engineering Geology IG), Institute of Applied Geosciences;
Prof. Dr. C. Hilgers (Dept. of Structural Geology SG), Institute of Applied Geosciences;
Prof. Dr.-Ing. F. Dehn, Institute for Solid Construction and Building Materials Technology MPA;
Prof. Dr.-Ing. H. Kutterer, Dr. M. Westerhaus, Geodetic Institute Karlsruhe GIK;

Darmstadt University of Technology (TUDa)
Prof. Dr. A. Henk, Institute for Applied Geosciences

Merseburg University of Applied Sciences (HoMe)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. H. Würdemann, Department of Engineering and Natural Sciences

Rock Laboratory Dr. Eberhard Jahns eK
Dr. E. Jahns

Institute for Rock Mechanics GmbH (IfG)
Dr. T. Popp
Project Accompaniment
Dyckerhoff GmbH: Dr. M. Paul

SGW: S. Meyer

UNIPER SE: Dr. B.T. Szoecs, Dr. K. Vosbeck

DGMK - Research Association of the Industry

Piewak & Partner GmbH: Dr. T. Röckel,

Fangmann Energy Services GmbH & Co. KG: Dr. N. Lummer
Reason and Goal

The overall objective is to make an essential contribution to a sustainable energy transition through the long-term, efficient and safe use of underground gas storage facilities, also against the background of an increased use of hydrogen in the energy system. In summary, the project is concerned with safe and innovative development concepts for the expansion and subsequent use and monitoring of underground gas storage facilities (UGS) for underground H2 storage: This includes, in particular, new development concepts via horizontal drilling for pore and cavern storage facilities and the subsequent use, in particular, of caverns as methanogenesis autoclaves. For this purpose, experiments and models on material and storage properties, microbiology and UGS monitoring are applied as a contribution to a safe and sustainable energy supply.


The focus of SAMUH2 is to develop strategies for retrofitting existing storage facilities and designing modern storage facilities based on systematic investigations and a holistic view of the entire UGS life cycle. Quantitative investigation of the interactions of the composite system well casing, cement, formation under cyclic loading in the context of hydrogen storage will identify ways to validate the lifetime of reservoirs and their safety, increase storage capacities and ensure a more sustainable use of the subsurface.


Reservoir rock models are in the process of being created. The first experiments are being carried out.

Project Status

Project Coordinator

Dr. Nicole Grobys

Head of the Geo-Energy-Systems and Subsurface Technologies Department

Helen Werner

Scientific Officer of the Department of Geo-Energy Systems and Underground Technologies


Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection