DGMK-Project Geosciences
A Synthesis Study on the Occurrence of Seismicity in NW-Germany Based on Results from DGMK Projects 761, 773, 776 and 806
Prof. Dr. M. Bohnhoff
EMPG, Hanover - Dr. S. Graßmann
Neptune Energy Deutschland GmbH, Lingen - P. Krajewski, Dr. C. Sick
Wintershall Dea GmbH, Barnstorf - Dr O. Ritzmann
Vermilion Energy - F. Görisch
Since 2013, several projects on seismicity in the area of the North German gas fields have been carried out within the framework of DGMK research (DGMK-761, -773, -776, -806). The projects address different issues in the field of seismicity: seismology, geomechanics, subsidence, regional tension and more. The aim across all projects is to improve the understanding of processes and to gain insights into the observed seismicity in connection with natural gas production in northern Germany. All DGMK projects on seismicity will be completed between the end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018.
The aim of the synthesis project is to draw conclusions from the above-mentioned projects, to present the status quo of research in the field of induced seismicity, also with regard to seismicity in Northern Germany, and to make recommendations for further investigations and actions to make natural gas production in Germany even safer.
The project staff are proven experts in the fields of geomechanics and seismology and will evaluate the final results from DGMK projects 761, 773, 776 and 806 and place them in a common context. In addition to a DGMK research report, which is aimed more at the specialist clientele, a generally understandable publication on the subject of seismicity in the area of North German natural gas fields is planned.
The final report has been completed. The DGMK research report has been published.
Journal papers
G. Dresen, M. Bohnhoff, C. Bönnemann, C. Brandes, N. Gestermann, Z. Heinrich, M. Joswig, D. Kaiser, C. Lempp, G. Mokelke, B. Müller, T. Plenefisch, T. Röckel, F. Schilling, P. Uta, M. Westerhaus, J. Winsemann. Seismicity in the vicinity of gas fields in northwest Germany. EEK, 09/2020

Dr. Susanne Kuchling
Head of the Geo-Energy-Systems and Subsurface Technologies Department
DEA German Oil AG
ExxonMobil Production Deutschland GmbH, Hanover
Neptune Energy Deutschland GmbH, Lingen
Wintershall Holding GmbH, Barnstorf
Vermilion Energy Deutschland GmbH, Hanover
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