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DGMK-Project Drilling and Completion

Development of Alternative Drive Concepts for Underground Hammer Drills in Deep Drilling Technology - Phase 2

Research Center
TU Bergakademie Freiberg: Institute for Drilling Technology and Fluid Mining - Prof. Dr. M. Reich, J. Wannenmacher
Project Accompaniment
DEA Deutsche Erdoel AG, Hamburg - Dr B. Schmalhorst
Wintershall Holding GmbH, Kassel - Dr. J. Schamp
EMPG, Hanover - M. Röhrlich
Neptune Energy Deutschland GmbH, Lingen - J. Sluet
Reason and Goal

It is known from flat drilling technology that crystalline hard rock can be destroyed much more effectively with percussion drill hammers than with PDC or roller bits. In granite, for example, up to 10 times higher drilling speeds can be achieved with hammer drills than with roller bits. In addition, the fact that only little pressure force is required for percussion drilling means that the directional stability of the drill hole is much better. However, up to now, the use of hammer drills in deep drilling technology has failed, because the available drive system (generation of the percussive impulse by alternately accelerating and stopping the column of mud) becomes more and more energy-intensive with increasing depth and thus ultimately uneconomical.
The idea of the project is therefore to develop a percussion drilling method for deep drilling, that generates the necessary impact energy for the hammer drill directly on site in the borehole and works with conventional drilling mud.


Based on the results of the feasibility study (733-1), in the second project phase at least one fully operational prototype of a percussion drilling system for use in deep drilling technology is to be developed, which can be operated on a test rig or in a test well.


Project completed.


Zimmermann, R.; Lehmann, F.; Reich, M.: Entwicklung von Bohrhämmern für die Tiefbohrtechnik, Der Geothermiekongress, Essen, 02. - 04. November 2015

Lehmann, F.; Zimmermann, R.: Entwicklung alternativer Antriebskonzepte für Untertagebohrhämmer in der Tiefbohrtechnik (DGMK-Projekt733-2), Postersession, Freiberger Forschungsforum, 66. Berg- und Hüttenmännischer Tag, Freiberg, 18.-19. Juni 2015

Lehmann, F.; Reich, M.: Development of alternative drive concepts for down-the-hole hammer in deep drilling, OMAE2015-41218, Presentation and Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2015, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, May 31 - June 5, 2015

Lehmann, F.: Entwicklung alternativer Antriebskonzepte für Untertagebohrhämmer in der Tiefbohrtechnik; Der Geothermiekongress, Essen, 11.-13 November 2014

Lehmann, F.; Reich M.: Development of Alternative Drive Concepts for Downhole Hammers in Deep Drilling Operations - a feasibility Study, Oil Gas European Magazine, vol. 39, 3/2013, pp. OG 119 - OG 123, September 2013 or Erdöl Erdgas Kohle, 129th volume, vol. 9, pp. OG 119 - OG 123, September 2013

Lehmann, F.; Kirsten, U.; Schwarz, M.; Reich, M.: Entwicklung alternativer Antriebskonzepte für Untertagebohrhämmer in der Tiefbohrtechnik – eine Machbarkeitsstudie, DGMK/ÖGEW-Frühjahrstagung 2013-1 (Präsentation and Manuskript), 18.-19. April, 2013. ISBN 978-3-941721-31-9

Lehmann, F.; Kirsten, U.; Mandel, K.; Konieczny, T.: „Experimentelle Untersuchung der Wirkmechanismen der schlagenden Gesteinszerstörung zur Beschreibung des Bohrens im Hartgestein“, Plenarvortrag und Tagungsbericht zum 4. Internationalen Kolloquium zur sprengstofflosen Gesteinsgewinnung, Freiberg, 14. – 16. November 2012

Lehmann, F.; Kirsten, U.; Reich, M.: "Requirements for materials for percussive drilling in hard rock", plenary lecture at the Freiberg High Pressure Symposium 08-10 October 2012

Lehmann, F.; Kirsten, U.; Mande,l K.; Reich, M.; Krüger, L.: „Untersuchung der Mechanismen bei der schlagenden Gesteinszerstörung und Vergleich mit Versuchen an einem Laborversuchsstand“, Plenarvortrag und Tagungsbericht zur DGMK/ÖGEW-Frühjahrstagung 2012, Fachbereich Aufsuchung und Gewinnung am 19.-20.04.2012 in Celle, DGMK-Tagungsbericht 2012-2, ISBN 978-3-941721-25-8

Project Status

The project is finished. The final report will not be published.

Project Coordinator

Dr. Dominik Soyk

Executive Director


DEA German Oil AG

ExxonMobil Production Germany GmbH

Neptune Energy Germany GmbH

Wintershall Holding GmbH

Herrenknecht AG