Within the framework of the research project, the circulation of fuel in the area of the joints at filling station sealing surfaces made of FD concrete in in-situ construction was investigated.
According to the design specifications of the general building authority approvals for LAU systems of the DIBt for joint sealants, it must be demonstrated at filling stations for the joint flanks that the characteristic penetration depth of fuels in the concrete does not exceed the existing joint depth and thus the joint flank protected by the joint sealant in terms of calculation and that any possible leakage of fuels below the joint is thus excluded. Since the calculated penetration depth of fuels in an FD concrete is greater than the joint depth of typical polysulphide joints, the amendment to DWA-A 781, Technical Rule for Water-Endangering Substances (TRwS), Filling Stations for Motor Vehicles, in 2018 only permitted the use of FDE concrete as a sealing surface at filling stations in order to reduce the penetration depth.