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Working Group

Geothermal Energy

Experts from geothermal operators, E&P companies, service companies, associations and universities founded the Geothermal Working Group in 2022 under the umbrella of DGMK's Geo-Energy Systems and Underground Technologies Division.

 Geothermal energy, the energy derived from the earth's heat, can make a substantial contribution to a base-load capable energy supply. The ramp-up of a competitive and sustainable geothermal industry can only succeed by utilizing the know-how of all experts in the deep drilling sector.

RED Drilling & Services | Bruck geothermal project


The aim of the working group is to use the knowledge and techniques from the E&P industry and to transfer them to geothermal energy; moreover, to deal with challenging technical issues related to geothermal energy. The focus is primarily on deep geothermal energy.  

A vibrant network of experts from the service industry, geothermal operators, E&P companies, associations and universities are at the heart of the working group.

Jörg Uhde


geopfalz GmbH & Co. KG

Your Contact to the DGMK Office

Dr. Nicole Grobys

Head of the Geo-Energy-Systems and Subsurface Technologies Department

Ines Musekamp

Coordination of the Department Geo-Energy-Systems and Subsurface Technologies

Helen Werner

Research Officer of the Department of Geo-Energy Systems and Underground Technologies