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DGMK Regional Group
Central Germany


The region of Saxony-Thuringia-Saxony-Anhalt has established itself as a location for research in the field of alternative and renewable energies. This is also reflected in the topics taken up by the regional group of central Germany. Alternative energy sources, renewable raw materials for the chemical industry, and perspectives for modern energy research are the main focus.

Selected topics from past events:

  • Energy Research for the Future
  • Alternative Fuels
  • Renewable Energies and Raw Materials
  • Sustainable Chemistry

Your Contact to the DGMK Office

Ines Musekamp



Prof. Dr. Cornelia Breitkopf

Chairwoman of the DGMK Regional Group Central Germany

Technische Universität Dresden
Institut für Energietechnik

Deputy Chairperson

Dr.-Ing. Steffen Krzack

TU Bergakademie Freiberg Institut für Energie­­verfahrens­­technik und Chemie­­ingenieur­­wesen