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Application of the latest cooling lubricants for fiber composites

The completed research project deals with the development of a
cooling lubricant for the milling of stack materials, which can be
typically made from a composite of fiber-reinforced plastics (FRP) and
metals. A benchmark test was designed for this purpose, which
process and evaluates component quality, tool wear, cleanability and suitability for coating with paints as well as adhesion. With regard to the development of cooling lubricants, various combinations of systems such as emulsion or solution as well as different base materials and additives are being researched and investigated with regard to their monitoring of microbiology and additive discharge and maintenance such as through filtration during the machining of stack materials.

Cooperation partner:

Composites United Leichtbau-Forschung gGmbH and
Research Association for Pigments and Coatings e.V.

The IGF project (21732 N) of the research association DGMK Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für nachhaltige Energieträger, Mobilität und Kohlenstoffkreisläufe e.V., Große Elbstraße 131, 22767 Hamburg, was funded via the AiF as part of the program for the promotion of joint industrial research (IGF) by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection on the basis of a resolution of the German Bundestag.

Fraunhofer Society e.V.
Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA
Simon Kleinhenz, Rolf Nothelfer-Richter
Fraunhofer Society e.V.
Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology IGB
Christiane Chaumette, Benjamin Wriedt
eBook ISBN
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