DGMK-Project Fuel Oils
Criteria catalog for additives in fuel oil
DGMK Research Report 646-2 contains test criteria for additives that can be used in EL heating oil, standard, EL heating oil, low sulfur or EL A Bio heating oil. In project 646-3, an extension is made for the use of additives in paraffinic fuel oils according to DIN/TS 51603-8.
According to DIN 51603-1, DIN SPEC 51603-6 and DIN/TS 51603-8, the use of additives is permitted under certain conditions to improve/ensure the quality of fuel oils. Minimum test criteria for additives used were last published in 2017 in a criteria catalog. Compliance with the specifications is intended to exclude undesirable side effects of additives when used in heating oil as far as possible. For the minimum test criteria, test methods were selected and examined by laboratories for manageability. In view of the fact that some test methods cannot be used to evaluate all fuel oil qualities, the minimum test criteria specified vary depending on the fuel oil quality.
Research Report 646-3 has been published.
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