Fossil fuels are increasingly being supplemented by alternative energy sources. Their compatibility with existing combustion technologies is not always guaranteed. The mixture formation area of existing plants, which serves to provide fuel for combustion, is also affected by this. The evaporation behaviour of the various fuels plays an important role here. Among other things, due to pyrolysis reactions, which are caused by high heat input into the fuel, deposits form on wetted surfaces of the mixture formation area. The extent and properties of the deposits depend, among other things, on the middle distillate compositions and properties, the evaporator geometry, and the operating conditions of the evaporator. In the research project funded by the BMWi, the chemical-physical causes of deposit formation during fuel evaporation are to be identified. On the one hand, this requires a detailed characterisation of the fuels in order to identify possible differences in detail analysis. On the other hand, technical application investigations are carried out with a test stand, the core element of which is a fleece evaporator.
Project Start: Residue Formation During the Evaporation of Liquid Fuels in Porous Media
The deposits generated in the application-related investigations are also examined using gravimetric, imaging and detailed analytical methods in order to determine their characteristics and composition. The results of these investigations will be used to develop strategies for avoiding and regenerating the deposits and to further develop a model that can be used to predict the evaporation behaviour of multi-component fuels.
The aim of the project is to enable the deposit-free use of alternative energy sources in heating appliances.
The project was started on 01.10.2020 and runs as a DGMK project. 829 under the title "Influence of the fuel composition on the formation of residues during the evaporation of liquid fuels in porous media".
Research Centres
OWI Science for Fuels gGmbH
University of Rostock, Chemistry / Analytical Chemistry
The IGF project (21317 BG) of the research association DGMK Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Erdöl, Erdgas und Kohle e.V., Überseering 40, 22297 Hamburg is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy via the AiF within the framework of the programme for the promotion of joint industrial research (IGF) on the basis of a resolution of the German Bundestag.
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