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DGMK-Event / She Drives Energy - Network of Women in Energy Technology

New date! Transformation & Society: Acceptance of hydrogen

5 - 7 pm
Office of the DGMK e.V.
Große Elbstrasse 131, 22767 Hamburg

The women's network She Drives Energy invites you to an after work event in Hamburg. We can expect an exciting lecture by Dr. Sandra Meyer-Ghosh and Astrid Saidi (CC4E/ Norddeutsches Reallabor) on the topic "Transformation & Society - A Mood Picture: Study on the Energy Transition and the Acceptance of Hydrogen". In addition to space for questions and exchange, there will be the opportunity to network afterwards over drinks and snacks.


What is the current mood of the population with regard to the feasibility of the energy transition? What opportunities does the population see in the use of hydrogen, and what concerns are expressed? To what extent does the current energy policy situation influence this assessment? And how does the public assess the role of industry in the transformation process? The joint project North German Reallabor (NRL) has devoted a social study on the energy transition to these and other questions; with representative results for Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Bremen. The study was conducted in two survey waves, at the beginning of February 2022 and the end of April/beginning of May 2022, with the help of the market research institute Psyma Research+Consulting GmbH. The results show, among other things, a clear shift in the evaluation of public welfare goals and personal effects of the energy transition - and a great deal of skepticism about its feasibility. At the same time, the urgency of a rapid conversion of the energy supply has arrived in the minds of the citizens.


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Event Coordinator

Helen Werner

Scientific Officer of the Department of Geo-Energy Systems and Underground Technologies