The DGMK board of directors invites according to §10 Abs. 3 of the statutes to the ordinary general assembly 2020, which will be held as an online event.
Ordinary General Assembly of the DGMK 2020
1. Opening of the above mentioned general assembly 2020 by the chairman of the DGMK, Mr. Dirk Warzecha
2. Adoption of the DGMK annual report for 2019; the annual report was published in the journal ERDÖL ERDGAS KOHLE; see EEK 136, issue 5/2020, pp. 32- 44
3. Receipt of the auditors' report and approval of the annual accounts for the financial year from 01.01.2019 to 31.12.2019; see EEK 136, issue 5/2020, p. 43 of the annual report for 2019.
4. Discharge the executive board for the year 2019.
5. Discharge of the management for the year 2019.
6. Amendments to the Articles of Association (§ 10 (6) and (7)); see the proposals of the executive board below
7. Report of the executive board on the development of the company in the current year 2020.
8. Report of the executive board on the financial situation of the society with an outlook for 2021 and approval of the budget for 2021. Adoption of the contribution rules for 2021 (Article 10(1) of the Articles of Association).
9. Election of board members (§ 11 (3) of the statutes); see the following proposals of the executive board.
10. Appointments to the scientific advisory board (§ 15 (3) of the Statutes); see the following proposals of the executive board
11. Election of the auditors of the DGMK for the 2021 financial year; the board proposes the election of Total Deutschland GmbH and ExxonMobil Central Europe Holding GmbH
12. Miscellaneous.
If you have any further proposals for the agenda, please send a written notice to the DGMK office by 15 October 2020.
Note on agenda item 6 "Amendments to the Articles of Association":
1 The standardisation work, which is supervised in the DGMK by the FAM Technical Committee for Mineral Oil and Fuel Standardisation, is of national, European and international importance. However, the standardisation work of the FAM is hardly associated with the DGMK. In order to give more expression to this importance within the DGMK and to give the DGMK additional visibility beyond national borders, the executive board shall establish a separate standardisation division in accordance with §13 para. 2.
- The Executive Board therefore proposes that this be reflected in the Articles of Association (see Article 2 (1) e and Article 13 (1) e of the Articles of Association).
Comment on agenda item 9 "Election of members of the executive board":
1. On 31.12.2020 the statutory term of office of Mr. Dr. Heinrich Herm Stapelberg on the board of the DGMK ends. The board proposes to re-elect Dr. Heinrich Herm Stapelberg to the executive board of the DGMK for the term of office from 01.01.2021 to 31.12.2024 with responsibility for member affairs.
Dr. Heinrich Herm Stapelberg (60) studied process engineering at the University of Hanover and received his doctorate in the field of energy and process engineering. He joined ExxonMobil in 1991, where he held positions in various areas and countries. Since 2008 Dr. Herm Stapelberg has been director and head of public & government affairs at ExxonMobil Central Europe Holding GmbH in Hamburg.
2. Mr. Jens-Christian Senger resigned at his own request as head of the Division of Exploration and Production and member of the board of the DGMK on 31.03.2020. The Division of Exploration and Production proposes to appoint Mr. Dr. Jürgen Rückheim, Vermilion Energy Germany GmbH & Co. KG, Hanover, for the term of office from 01.01.2021 to 31.12.2024 as head of the Exploration and Production Division and thus to be elected to the board of the DGMK.
After studying geosciences, Dr. Jürgen Rückheim received his doctorate in the field of organic geochemistry. He has worked in many countries and held management positions in the exploration and production as well as construction and operation of gas storage facilities. As general manager of Vermilion Energy Germany he is responsible for public and governmental relations, licensing and land matters. He has been a member of the Academy for Geosciences and Geotechnologies since 2004.
3. For the newly established Division of Standardisation, the board proposes to appoint Mr. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Mayer as head of the Standardisation Division and thus to be elected to the DGMK board of directors for the term of office from 01.01.2021 to 31.12.2024.
Dr. Mayer studied bioinorganic chemistry at the TU Darmstadt. Since 1994 he has been working for Total Deutschland GmbH, currently in the area of sustainable development / product quality. Dr. Mayer is chairman of the advisory board of the FAM Technical Committee for Mineral Oil and Fuel Standardisation, Chairman of the FAM Committee NA 062-06-32 AA Requirements for Liquid Fuels and committed member of various other committees of the FAM as well as of the DGMK Processing and Product Application Division.
4. Mr. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reinhold Elsen resigns at his own request from his office as head of the Conversion of Carbon Carriers Division and member of the DGMK board of directors as of 31.12.2020. The Division of Conversion of Carbon Carriers proposes to appoint Mr. Tilman Bechthold, RWE Power AG, for the term of office from 01.01.2021 to 31.12.2024 as head of the Conversion of Carbon Carriers Division and thus elected to the DGMK executive board.
The 57-year-old engineer Tilman Bechthold joined RWE in 1992 and has held various management positions within RWE Power over the past 20 years. He was managing director of the subsidiary Turbogás S.A. in Portugal before he was responsible for special projects in the fossil-fired power plant sector. From then on, he remained in charge of the technical services division of the power plant division. Ten years ago he took over responsibility for the Niederaußem power plant, and since 2015 he has been in charge of the Frimmersdorf/Neurath site.
- The executive board submits these proposals to the general assembly of members for voting in accordance with § 11 (3) or § 13 (4) of the articles of association.
Note to agenda item 10 "Appointments to the Scientific Advisory Board":
1. On 31.12.2020 the statutory term of office of Prof. Dr. Leonhard Ganzer, Clausthal University of Technology, Institute of Subsurface Energy Systems and Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c., Reinhard F. Hüttl, as members of the scientific advisory board of the DGMK ends. Both gentlemen are willing to continue their work on the advisory board.
The executive board proposes to reappoint Prof. Ganzer and Prof. Hüttl to the scientific advisory board of the DGMK for the term of office from 01.01.2021 to 31.12.2024.
- The executive board submits these proposals to the general assembly of members for voting in accordance with § 15 (3) of the statutes.
Information on the Digital General Meeting
To participate in the event, you must first register. If you have deposited an e-mail address with the DGMK, you will have received the information for registration by e-mail on 15 October 2020. All other members were notified by post. If you have neither received an e-mail nor a letter from us, please call us (040 6390004 71) or send an e-mail to
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