She Drives Energy invites you to a lecture on "Innovative Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage Technologies". We are pleased to welcome speakers from the CC4E (Competence Center for Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency) of HAW Hamburg.
DGMK-Event / She Drives Energy - Network of Women in Energy Technology
Innovative Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage Technologies
Partial lecture Hendrik Zachariassen
For Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) and Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) projects, Direct-Air Carbon Capture (DACC) technology provides a method to extract carbon dioxide (CO2) directly from ambient air. In this presentation, an overview of the different DACC technologies will be presented. The specific advantages and disadvantages as well as the respective state of development will be shown. The low-temperature adsorption process, which is used at the CC4E, will be discussed in more detail. At CC4E, in addition to CO2 from the DACC plant, hydrogen is also produced from a PEM electrolysis. These two plants are operated for different scenarios "power grid-system-serving" and provide the reactants for our further Power-to-Gas (PtG) process, the biological methanation.
Partial lecture Sandra Off
In the context of PtG concepts, the conversion of hydrogen and carbon dioxide to methane is a promising way to use unused electricity from renewable energies for the production of easily storable (bio)methane. This process, methanation, can be done via a chemical-catalytic route or via the biological route described here. Contrary to the rather harsh operating conditions of chemical-catalytic methanation using nickel catalysts, biological methanation runs under moderate temperatures and pressures. A decisive advantage of the biological variant is its robustness against impurities in the reactant gases. In the various types of biological methanation, the feedstock gases are fed into specially designed, separate reactors or directly into fermenters of biogas plants. The gases are converted by microorganisms, the hydrogen-utilizing archaea, to methane, which can be processed and fed into the gas grid. The main field of research is currently to compensate the disadvantage of the low solubility of hydrogen in aqueous media by suitable reactor geometries with improved gas distribution. Ideas range from an anaerobic-bioreactive permeable wall to direct electrolysis in the reactor to the so far most researched bubble-free gassing via membranes by diffusion or microbubbles.
Partial lecture Kirsten Esdohr
In the X-Energy subproject MEDEA (Methane Decarbonization by Microwave Low Temperature Plasma Cracking) a low temperature plasma cracking plant for plasma catalytic cracking (plasmalysis) of methane (CH4) into hydrogen (H2) and elemental carbon/carbon black (C) is constructed, operated and evaluated. The aim of the project is to test and scientifically investigate a CO2-neutral and energy-efficient recovery of hydrogen and carbon black from methane using microwave plasma. The carbon black produced as a by-product can be marketed and is used, for example, in the rubber and tire industry or as a soil conditioner. A long-term sequestration of the carbon is conceivable through Terra Preta (storage in agricultural soils) or landfilling in former coal deposits. This presentation will give an overview of the plasma process based on microwave technology and explain its motivation and possible potentials.
Afterwards we look forward to a lively exchange!
Helen Werner
Research Officer of the Department of Geo-Energy Systems and Underground Technologies
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