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Event Programme / Exploration and Production

DGMK/ÖGEW Spring Conference "Shaping the Energy Transition with Upstream and Storage Technologies".

Wednesday, 21 April 2021

Stream 1


Jürgen Rückheim, Head of the DGMK Division Exploration and Production

Reinhard J. Oswald, President of ÖGEW

Gesa Netzeband, Executive Director of the DGMK

Plenary Lectures

Chairperson: Jürgen Rückheim

The Role of Oil and Gas in the Transition to a Lower Carbon World

Hill, I., Executive Director, IOGP, International Association of Oil & Gas Producers

Geothermal Energy: How to Unleash Global Growth to Support a Net-zero Future?

Brommer, M., Executive Director, IGA, International Geothermal Association

Visit the poster exhibition and company exhibition / Virtual coffee break


Chairperson: Johannes Schoenherr

Stream 1

In line with this year's conference theme, the "Geosciences" track represents a mix of classical reservoir geology and future-oriented underground topics. A wide range of case studies on the heterogeneity of reservoir horizons will give us insights into the spatial distribution of reservoir quality and controlling parameters. Examples from outcrop and production wells, carbonate rocks and sandstones will be discussed. In addition, a new aspect will be highlighted, the reuse of depleted hydrocarbon fields for renewable energy technologies and how geoscientists apply their classical experience in this future sector.


Georg-Hunaeus-Lecture: Sedimentological Heterogeneities in a Coquina Shoal Reservoir Analogue (Middle Triassic, SW Germany)

Petrovic, A., CaResS Research Group Ali I. Al-Naimi Petroleum Engineering Research Center, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

Gesteine vergessen nie – Wie die geologische Entwicklung die Reservoireigenschaften steuert

Heins,W. A., Getech Energie Holding GmbH

Pre-depositional Controls on Sandstone Diagenesis in the SE Permian-Triassic Germanic Basin

Janssen, M.1, Caracciolo, L.1, Bonnell, L. M.2, Heins, W. A.3, Lander, R. H.2, Ravidà, D.1, Korthals, A.1, Stollhofen, H.1, 1GeoCenter Northern Bavaria, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen, 2Geocosm LCC., 3Getech Group

Utilization of Former Hydrocarbon Reservoirs for High-temperature Heat Storage

Stricker, K.1, Grimmer, J.C.1, Egert, R.1, Bremer, J.1, Gholami Korzani, M.1, Schill, E.2, Kohl, T.1, 1Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute of Applied Geosciences, 2Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute of Nuclear Waste Disposal

Q&A Session

Energy Storage / H2

Chairperson: Heike Bernhardt

Stream 2

In the session energy storage, the various aspects of storable chemical energy carriers, which can be produced synthetically from electricity, among other things, and can serve as a link between fluctuating generation and temporally and spatially variable demand, will be considered. For this purpose, various electrolysis systems are presented as a building block of a future energy system and also as a bridging technology for further material processing. A balance between the independently varying generation and demand will have to be created. Energy storage management models describe the associated energy and material flows and thus also provide a basis for determining the type and size of storage required. As part of the storage, large-volume underground storage facilities are suitable - especially for the storage of hydrogen. Aspects of microbial hydrogen utilization due to existing microorganisms will have to be clarified with regard to relevant effects for storage operation. Due to the high mobility of hydrogen, the continued integrity of storage wells must also be investigated and proven.


H-, CO- und HC-Elektrolysesysteme als Bausteine für zukünftige Energiesysteme

Kuhn, K.-J., Siemens Energy

Energy Storage Systems for the Supply of the Process Industry with Renewable Energy

Schneider, S., Müller, T. E., Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Carbon Sources and Conversion

Mikrobielle Wasserstoffverwertung in Kavernen

Nowack, G., Wagner, M., MicroPro GmbH

Evaluierung der Bohrungsintegrität von Wasserstoffspeicherkavernen

Kirch, M., Amro, M., TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institute of Drilling Engineering and Fluid Mining

Q&A Session


Chairperson: Jan Lillie

Stream 3

Traditionally, the topics of plant and occupational safety and environmental protection are presented in the HSE area. In the area of plant and occupational safety, concepts are presented which, on the one hand, demonstrate a methodology for enabling a working life without accidents in a complex working environment. Here, the individual tendencies of each employee and their resulting actions are considered. On the other hand, plant safety is analyzed in order to identify main hazards in advance and to initiate appropriate protective measures. The main maintenance of a natural gas processing plant and the protection concept required for it are presented against the background of the Corona pandemic. Sustainable practiced environmental protection is presented by the most modern treatment plant for oil-containing drilling cuttings and the resulting supply and logistics concept.


Safe Choice – eine sichere Entscheidung

Behla, T., ExxonMobil Production Deutschland GmbH

Das kontinuierliche Baseoil Loop Sharing Konzept der Bohr- und Förderinsel Mittelplate

Kowalczyk, D.1, Czuprat, O.1, Wachtendorf, A.2, 1Wintershall Dea Deutschland GmbH, 2Plambeck Environmental Service GmbH

Anlagensicherheit im Fokus – Szenario-Management Model und Human Performance

Schmid, S., ExxonMobil Production Deutschland GmbH

Corona Schutzkonzept während des Großenkneten Anlagenstillstandes

Auber, H., Beyer, J., Evers, N., ExxonMobil Production GmbH

Q&A Session

She Drives Energy - Women's Network

Session Chair: Susanne Rengel

Stream 4 (Topic Room)

Intro Moderation

Joint Drivers of the Energy Transition

Tolulope Martin, Site Manager, Shell Grasbrook Lubricants Center, Shell Deutschland Oil GmbH

I can think of nothing more meaningful than to work in the Energy Industry

Maria Moræus Hanssen, Chair, Non Executive Director, Wastefront AS

Panel discussion

Visit to the poster exhibition and company exhibition / Virtual break

Petroleum Engineering

Session Chair: Heinrich Junker

Stream 1

An arc is spanned from processes in the microscopic pore space, to the mechanical behaviour of faults in the hydrodynamic system of a reservoir, the application of tertiary production methods and the semi-automated optimisation of well production. The range of possible applications of modern visualization and analysis techniques in the laboratory, the numerical modeling of complex mechanical processes and the multiphase flow in complex reservoirs and wells shows the possibilities for a general increase in the efficiency of the resources used on the one hand and the reduction of environmental impact on the other. The reduced use of material and energy, the more efficient extraction of existing resources, the safety-relevant consideration of the tightness of reservoirs under mechanical stress, or the use and simultaneous storage of CO2 in reservoirs are increasingly the subject of discussion.


Utilising Microfluidics For Foam Analysis In A Porous Medium

Säfken, S., Rayeok, R. M., Ganzer, L., TU Clausthal, Institute of Subsurface Energy Systems

A Sensitivity Study on Grid Geometry, Mesh Resolution and Fault Dip of Faults in Reservoir-Scale Hydro-Mechanical Finite Element Models

Treffeisen, T., Henk, A., TU Darmstadt, Institute of Applied Geoscience

Potenzielle Anwendung einer CO2-emissions-armen tertiären Fördermethode in einer geklüfteten Karbonatlagerstätte - Fallbeispiel

Amro, M., Freese, C., Reichmann, S., Muktadir, G., Kühne, J., TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institute of Drilling Technology and Fluid Mining

Closed Loop Production Optimization - a Step Closer to Autonomous Operation

Okhuijsen, B., Siemens Energy B.V.

Q&A Session

Geothermal Energy

Chairperson: Inga Moeck

Stream 2

A central component of a successful energy turnaround is the heat turnaround, and a heat turnaround without geothermal energy is not possible - so far as that is known. But which components are necessary to efficiently develop geothermal reservoirs? This year's series of lectures on "Geothermal Energy" impressively demonstrates that technological progress for the energetic use of the geothermal subsurface can be accelerated especially by incorporating hydrocarbon expertise. Examples will be presented on this, whether on standards in well integrity, on the use of CO2 as a carrier medium for heat, or on innovative exploration methods.


Zur Bedeutung einer standardisierten Verbindungsbeständigkeit als Voraussetzung zur Bohrlochsintegrität in Förderbohrungen der tiefen Geothermie

Grijalva,O., Oppelt, J., Holzmann, J., TU Clausthal, Institute of Subsurface Energy Systems

NGP - NextGen Geothermal Power; Ein neues Geothermie-Konzept basierend auf überkritischem CO2

Glos, S., Wechsung, M., Sudhoff, R., Boehmer, F., Jeck, S. Siemens Energy

Maximizing Geothermal Exposure Using Geosteering to Drill a Horizontal Doublet in the Paris Basin

Ungemach, P.1, Antics, M.1, Di Tommaso, D.2, 1GPC Instrumentation Process (GPC IP), 2Weatherford

Experimental Investigations on Fiber Glass Composite Pipes with Application for Oil, Gas and Geothermal Well Completions

Minescu, M., Dinita, A., Olteanu, A., Teodoriu, C. UPG Ploiesti, the University of Oklahoma.

Q&A Session

Well Integrity

Session Chair: Michael Röhrlich

Stream 3

Well integrity is rightly receiving increasing attention. As existing wells age, the need to monitor them and detect potential problems early increases. This allows vulnerabilities to be identified, risks to be assessed and countermeasures to be taken. One focus of this track is the metrological investigation of well barriers. In addition, the risk classification of injection wells is discussed against the background of country-specific regulations.


Well Integrity - Downhole Tools that Predict the Future of the Well

Greiss, R.1, Volkov, M.1, Bilogan, A.2, 1TGT Diagnostics, 2Oilchem Technology Solution LTD

Injektions-, Versenk- und Einpressbohrungen

Droppert, V.1, Jelinek, W.2, 1Wintershall Dea Norge AS, 2Wintershall Dea Germany GmbH

Faseroptische Leckage-Ortung zum Nachweis von Undichtheiten in Bohrlochkomplettierungen

Perk, M.1, Großwig, St.2, Pfeiffer, Th.2, Rembe, M.3, Dijk, H.4, Domurath, L.5, 1DEEP.KBB Ltd, 2GESO mbH & Co. Projekt KG, 3Rembe Consulting - Partnerschaftsgesellschaft für Geologie, Geoströmungstechnik, Umweltplanung und numerische Simulation mbB, 4Privatus, formerly Nouryon B.V, 5AP Sensing GmbH

Korrosionsprobleme in Bohrgarnituren beim Durchteufen von magnesiumhaltigen Salzformationen

Tlatlik, H., Mandt, T., Wintershall Dea Deutschland GmbH

Q&A Session

Visit the poster exhibition and company exhibition / Virtual coffee break

Geoenergy Exploration Game by GSSPE

Session Chair: Daniel Bücken

Stream4 (Topic Room)

Be part of the first Geoenergy Exploration Game by the German Section of the SPE! This collaborative game builds on your engagement, your knowledge, and your discussions! Together with the other participants you have to identify geoenergy reservoirs, decide which play you want to explore, and tackle multiple challenges. This interdisciplinary and interactive sessions aims at students, YPs, and interested professionals.

13.30 - 14.30

Visit the poster exhibition and company exhibition / Virtual coffee break

Hydrogen and beyond - Topic Room by Energy Reinvented Community

Stream 4


Prins, J., Siemens Energy B.V.

Kickstarting The Greening Of The EU

Mooijer, J., Proton Ventures BV

Decarbonization and Blue Hydrogen

Wim Hesselink, Technip Energies

Q&A Session

Production Engineering

Session Chair: Michael Funke

Stream 1

Two lectures will deal with the issue of entrained substances, which usually have a negative impact on production as well as on the operation of well equipment and surface facilities. Solutions will be presented: in a test rig, different drilling and production conditions can be simulated in order to obtain a statement about the sand production, and in an oil field, tests will be carried out to eliminate or avoid asphaltene deposits in submersible centrifugal pumps. In the field of production engineering, an experimental approach is used to further develop rod-type deep well pumps and their systems, while a look at well integrity allows statements to be made about annulus seals caused by plastic formations in the area of non-cemented casing.


Entwicklung einer Versuchsanlage für Sandretention Tests mit innovativer Methode zur Bestimmung der produzierten Sandmenge

Ochmann, L., Joseph, R., Amro, M., TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institute for Drilling Technology and Fluid Mining

Fallstudie aus dem Erdölfeld Mittelplate - Untersuchung und „in-situ” Beseitigung bzw. Vermeidung von Asphaltenablagerungen in Tauchkreiselpumpen

Bisso Bi Mba, E.M., Busch, M., Diker, G., Frohberg, A., Wintershall Dea Deutschland GmbH

Ringraumabdichtungen durch plastische Formationen im Bereich von nicht zementierten Verrohrungen in Norddeutschland

Klaus, D., Stemann, U., Nell, M., Neptune Energy Deutschland GmbH

Design and Implementation of a Mechatronic Sucker Rod Pumping Unit Experimental Setup

Sharma, A., Bello, O., Teodoriu C., Karami, H., The University of Oklahoma.

Q&A Session

Underground Storage Technology

Session Chair: Frank Holschumacher

Stream 2

Underground natural gas storage facilities have been part of the infrastructure in Germany since the 1950s. Whereas at the beginning of storage, storage facilities were assumed to have a service life of around 25 years, many installations have now reached a much older age. For this reason, questions regarding the integrity of natural gas storage facilities have continuously gained in importance in recent years. This series of lectures will focus on the suitability of storage facilities for long-term and future-proof operation. The focus is first on the surface with the presentation of a geomonitoring system for the aboveground facility and supply security of cavern storage facilities using satellite and copter data, and moves from there to the subsurface with the description of a method for the environmentally sound i.e. brine-saving repair of a cavern storage facility in Denmark in the form of a coupled flooding and gas bursting process. Finally, the description of an integrity management system for storage wells is followed by an outlook on the long-term utilization perspectives of caverns in the context of the energy turnaround under the heading "Salt cavern turnaround".


Sicherheit in gastechnischen Anlagen – Geomonitoring von Untergrundspeichern

Rudolph, T.1, Haske, B.1, Bernsdorf, B.1, Müterthies, A.2, Teuwsen, S.2, Formaniuk, A.2, Yang, C-H.2, Mader, S.2, 1Research Centre Post Mining | Technical University Georg Agricola, 2EFTAS Remote Sensing Technology Transfer GmbH

Coupled Gas Filling and Flooding Process of Two Caverns

Mortensen, T.1, Gjermundbo, R.2, Eichler, C.3, 1Gas Storage Denmark,, 3DEEP.KBB GmbH

Integritätsmanagement von Gasspeicherbohrungen

Kosack, C.1, Fjågesund, T.2, 1Uniper Energy Storage GmbH, 2Wellbarrier

Die Salzkavernenwende

Mercer, D., Storengy Deutschland GmbH

Q&A Session

Drilling technology

Chairperson: Oliver Obenaus

Stream 3

The session for Drilling Technology will reflect a balanced approach between scientific- and practical industry case studies. DGMK’s own project of developing a hammer drill will provide an update of first experience with a prototype bit. With digitalization and machine learning on the rise throughout multiple industries, another study will be presented that compares algorithms to predict ROP’s. An unconventional, but promising idea reflecting collaboration of different operators and service companies will be discussed in a case study to see if this means a compromise to unlock valuable potential. The utilization of managed pressure drilling in a high pressure well including engineering and execution learnings will be presented in another case study.


Collaboration Between Operators for Mass Fabrication of Wells

Kucs, R., Doschek, M., OMV Upstream

Comparative Study on Machine Learning Algorithms for ROP Prediction

Odebrett, F.1, Höhn, P.2, Paz Carvajal, C.1, Oppelt, J.2, 1Clausthal University of Technology, Institute of Subsurface Energy Systems, 2Clausthal University of Technology, Drilling Simulator Celle

Drilling a High Pressure Well in the Vienna Basin - a Case Study

Dietz, F., Kainz, A., SDE, OMV E&P GmbH

Schlag auf Schlag! Entwicklung spülungs-betriebener Untertagebohrhämmer für die Tiefbohrtechnik (DGMK 733-3)

Grottendieck, L., Reich, M., TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institute of Drilling Technology and Fluid Mining

Q&A Session


Session Chair: Dominik Soyk

Stream 4

Universities and industry are in a symbiotic relationship. The free economy is dependent on highly qualified specialists and it is not uncommon for companies to recruit their young scientists from cooperation projects with universities. In return, the attractiveness of the courses of study at the universities is often closely linked to the opportunities on the job market and the social reputation of the respective sectors. Especially the latter points pose challenges for study programmes with a focus on resource extraction in Germany and Europe. In this session, various disciplines will present their strategies for attracting and promoting young talent, and we will learn how the Corona pandemic may shape our future working lives.


Project PepperMINT - An Educational Project to Improve STEM/ MINT Capabilities in the Mining Industry

Michael, L., Gerau, J., Gräfingholt, B., Scholz,C., Smaxwil, M., Rudolph, T., Research Centre Post Mining | Technical University Georg Agricola

Emerging Successfully from the Pandemic: From Think Tank Idea to Global Working Model

Wendt, K., Wintershall Dea GmbH

Future Geoscience Education - for Whom and How?

Hilgers, Ch.1,2, Busch, B. 1 1Structural Geology and Tectonics, Institute of Applied Geosciences, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - KIT, 2KIT Campus Transfer GmbH, TTE Reservoir Geology

The Impact of Energy Transition on classical E&P Curricula at the Bachelor and Master Level

Ganzer, L., Jaeger, Ph., Institute of Subsurface Energy Systems, Clausthal University of Technology

Poster session (Overview)

Drilling Technology, Production Engineering, Petroleum Engineering

10:45 - 11:00, 15:10 - 15:40

Localized Casing wear: Empirical Modeling and Test Verification

Yaqoob, T., Oppelt, J., Holzmann, J., TU Claushtal, Institute of Subsurface Energy Systems

Nutzung eines Digitalen Zwillings bei der Bohrhammerentwicklung

Bannenberg, M., Feldmann, E., Holzmann, J., Jaeger, P., Oppelt, J., TU Clausthal, Institute of Subsurface Energy Systems

Gekoppelte thermische, hydraulische und mechanische Belastungen auf das Verbundsystem Bohrung unter Berücksichtigung von verschiedenen Lastgängen für Methan, Wasserstoff und Helium

Perch, M.1, Amro, M.2, Nagel, T.1, 1TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institute for Geotechnics, 2TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institute for Drilling Technology and Fluid Mining

Drilling Optimization of Petroleum Wells: An Analysis of the Variation of Drilling Fluids Flow-rate Applied to pre-salt Case Study

Oliveira, L.1, Nascimento, A.1, Mantegazini, D.2, Hunt, J.1, 1Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2Universidade Estadual Paulista

Real Time Optimization of Operational Parameters in Oil Well Drilling: An Analysis of Energy, Mechanical Specific Energy and Influence on Penetration Efficiency

Mantegazini, D.Z..1, Nascimento, A.2, Barboza, T. R.1 Mathias, M. H.1, de Carvalho Jr, J. A.1, 1Faculdade de Engenharia - Campus de Guaratinguetá (FEG), from the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2Centro Universitário Norte do Espírito Santo - CEUNES/UFES

Monitoring and Vibration Analysis of a Drilling Test Laboratory Bench: An Approach Involving Specific Mechanical Energy and Well Drilling Process Optimization

Barboza, T. R.1, Nascimento, A.2, Mantegazini, D. Z.1, Mathias, M. H. 1, de Carvalho Jr, J. A. 1, 1Faculdade de Engenharia - Campus de Guaratinguetá (FEG), from the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2Centro Universitário Norte do Espírito Santo - CEUNES/UFES

Numerical Analysis of Condensate Blockage Removal around a Hydraulic Fracture by Wettability Altering Surfactant Treatment

Morgenstern, R. 1, Shehata, N. 2, Rafiee, M. 2, Behr, A. 2, Amro, M. 1, 1TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institute of Drilling Engineering and Fluid Mining, 2Wintershall Dea GmbH

Investigating the Viability of Enhanced Oil Recovery Mechanism on Niger Delta Sand-Stone Reservoirs (A Case Study)

Dennar, L., Amro, M., TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institute of Drilling Engineering and Fluid Mining

A Fundamental Experimental Study to Identify Influential Parameters for the Quality of Reprocessed Polymer Solutions from Produced Water

Säfken, S.1, Ganzer, L.1, Flat, A.2, 1TU Clausthal, Institute of Subsurface Energy Systems, 2GEA Westfalia Separator Group GmbH

Thermal EOR Development Strategy for Extra-heavy Oil Production in Romashkinskoye Oilfield Based on Laboratory Study and Numerical Simulation

Nassan, T.1, Amro, M.1, Pituganova, A.2, Minkhanov, I.2, Bolotov, A.2, Varfolomeev, M.2, 1TU Freiberg, Institute of Drilling Engineering and Fluid Mining, 2Kazan Federal University, Department of Petroleum Engineering

Herausforderung im Labor: HSHT-Karbonatlagerstätten – CEOR am Limit?!

Kühne, J.1, Amro, M.1, Bittner, C.2, Lichterfeld-Weber, N.2, 1TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institute for Drilling Technology and Fluid Mining, 2 BASF SE

Enhanced Casing Evaluation: Longitudinal Borehole Casing Strain from Ultrasonic Imager Logging

Pretzschner, C., Hauer, R., Bannach, A. ESK GmbH

Thermodynamic Study on Salt Precipitation Processes and Possible Mitigation Measures at an UGS in Germany

Glöckner, M.1, Bannach, A.1, Grzyk, S.², Wallbrecht, J.² 1ESK GmbH; ²Storengy

Poster session (Overview)

Post-Mining, Enviromental Technology

10:45 - 11:00, 15:10 - 15:40

PostMinQuake: Potential Learnings of Induced Seismicity During Post-mining in European Coal Regions for the German Oil and Gas Industry

Goerke-Mallet, P., Möllerherm, S., Rudolph, T., Research Centre for Post-Mine Mining (FZN) Georg Agricola University of Applied Sciences (THGA)

Determination of Hydrocarbon Fluids Migration Behaviour and Proactive Preventive Measures against Soil and Groundwater Contamination: - Mathematical-Numerical Evaluation

Olaobaju, E. A.1, Onna, C.2, Amro, M.M.2, 1TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institute for Mining and Special Civil Engineering, 2TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institutes for Drilling Technology and Fluid Mining

Poster Session


10:45 - 11:00, 15:10 - 15:40

Predicting Water Content of Methane Using Computational Intelligence Approaches: Application to Methane Transport Modeling

Taherdangkoo, R., Butscher, Ch., Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg, Institute of Geotechnics

Unconventional Reservoir Characterization & Resource Potential Evaluation: Case Study

Muktadir, G.1, Amro, M.11, Kummer, N.1, Bahjat A.2, 1TU Bergakademie Freiberg, 2Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources

Reservoir Characterization of the Coal-bearing Upper Carboniferous Clastic Succession, Ruhr area, Germany

Greve, J.1, Bush, B.2, Quandt, D.2, Hilgers ,C.2, 1Geological Survey of North Rhine-Westphalia, 2Structural Geology & Tectonics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

Trap Structures of the Zechstein-2-Carbonate Fairway in NW Germany

Schoenherr, J.1, Kley, J.2, 1ExxonMobil Production Deutschland GmbH, 2Georg-August University Göttingen

Diagenesis and Reservoir Quality of Sedimentary Rocks of the Eastern Dahomey Basin, Nigeria

Adamolekun, O. J.1, Bush, B.1. Suess, M. P.2, Hilgers, C.1, 1Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute of Applied Geosciences, Department of Structural Geology and Tectonics, 2University of Tübingen, Department of Geoscience

Wasserstoff im Metallsektor – eine Pilotstudie zu Mengen und Raten

Steiger, K., Hilgers, C. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Integrating Digitized Fracture Data in Geological 3D Models, Upper Carboniferous, Ruhr area, Germany

Allgaier, F.1, Niederhuber, T.2, Quandt, D.1, Bush, B.1, Müller, B.2, Hilgers, C.1, 1Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute of Applied Geosciences, Structural Geology & Tectonics, 2Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute of Applied Geosciences, Technical Petrophysics

Einsatz künstlicher Tracer zur Charakterisierung tiefer Georeservoire: Stand der Forschung und Entwicklungen

Ghergut, J., Behrens, H., Sauter, M., University of Göttingen, Geoscience Centre

Poster Session

Energy Storage, Concepts of Renewable Energies

10:45 - 11:00, 15:10 - 15:40

Stahlrohre für den Transport von gasförmigem Wasserstoff – Mannesmann H2ready

Brauer, H., Simm, M., Mannesmann Line Pipe GmbH

Terminal Management System (TMS) - Transforming the Terminal

Rubinic, D., Siemens Energy

Large Biomass Based Electricity or Hydrogen Production Plant Integrated with Waterway Transportation

Hunt, J., Nascimento, A. Nascimento, A., Federal University of Espirito Santo.

MITTELPLATE - Mit Wasserstoff zur Bohr- und Förderinsel

Buttchereit, M., Wintershall Dea Deutschland GmbH

Subject to change without notice.