The Ethenolysis Biorefinery offers direct commercial access to 1-decene and methyl-9-decenoate via Olefin Metathesis from renewable rape seed methyl ester: a status report
Andreas Kohl
Upgrading bio-derived molecules through oxidative cleavage of C=C bonds over zeolite-based catalysts
Philipp Treu, Danielle Gonçalves, Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt, Erisa Saraçi
Gasification of contaminated biomass to synthesize renewable fuels
Julian Dutzi, Athanasios Vadarlis, Nikolaos Boukis, Jörg Sauer
CO2 methanation combined with capture processes or applied to unseparated streams
Ilenia Rossetti, Alice Gramegna, Matteo Tommasi, Simge Naz Degerli, Gianguido Ramis
Enhanced Biomass Valorization to achieve 100% Carbon Efficiency by Effectively Suppressing Carbon Dioxide Formation
Jakob Albert
From Theory to Demo: Scaling up a new methanol process for small decentral sustainable feedstocks
Marek Checinski, Ralph Krähnert, Christian Vollmann, Mathias Mosterz, Haik Mehmke, Dirk Radzinki
Recycling of Spent FCC Catalyst to Zeolite ZSM-5
Liane A. Haufe, Vladislav Timoshev, Markus Seifert, Jan J. Weigand
Influencing the product quality in chemical recycling of mixed thermoplastics by temperature-staged pyrolysis
Niklas Netsch, Salar Tavakkol, Dieter Stapf
Investigation of the cobalt/support interface in thin-film model catalysts for Fischer-Tropsch reaction using XPS
Skaltsogiannis, E. Sireci, J. Frisch, R. Garcia-Diez, C. Jimenez, A. Steigert, R.G. Wilks, F. Studt, M. Bär
Preparation of model catalyst systems to optimize sustainable aviation fuel production via Fischer-Tropsch synthesis
Hsu, R. Elbuga-Ilica, E. Sireci, D. Zhao, E. Saraçi, A. Zimina, F. Studt, J.-D. Grunwaldt, M. Wolf
Steam cracker of the future: Path towards net zero emissions and improved energy efficiency
M. Reitz
Optimization of heat pump and vapor recompression technologies for wide-boiling mixtures
Tanja Steenweg, Tanita Six, Niklas Paul, Armin Rix
State of Data & AI in Petrochemistry
How advancements in Data and AI can create opportunities towards a sustainable future
Sebastian Werner
AI-Based Design of Chemical Processes by Deep Reinforcement Learning
Alexander Wolf, Jonathan Pirnay, Dominik G. Grimm, Jakob Burger
Completing the Matrix for Efficient Process Design - Advancing the Prediction of Thermodynamic Parameters and Physical Properties by Machine Learning
Tobias Averbeck, Alexander Kühl, Gabriele Sadowski, Christoph Held, Thomas Seidensticker
Lecture of the Award-winner: Magnetic Induction in Catalysis: Toward Adaptive Catalytic Systems for Challenging Hydrogenation and Hydrodeoxygenation Reactions
Alexis Bordet
Ga-Pt supported catalytically active liquid metal solutions (SCALMS) for propane dehydrogenation - from material stability optimization to kinetic investigation
Nnamdi Madubuko, Ludger Röhm, Nicola Taccardi, Marco Haumann, Andreas Görling, Peter Wasserscheid
Methanolation of Olefins: A Low Pressure Alcohol Synthesis from Methanol and Olefins
Jeroen T. Vossen, Sebastian Stahl, Stephan Popp, Andreas J. Vorholt, Walter Leitner
Z-scheme photocatalysts for CO2 conversion into fuels and chemicals
Gianguido Ramis, Simge Naz Degerli, Alice Gramegna, Matteo Tommasi, Ilenia Rossetti
Using hydrotreatment for upgrading plastic pyrolysis oil: Approaches and future challenges
Carola Jendrzok, Klaus Raffelt, Jörg Sauer
E-Tandem: Innovation in e-fuel production
From laboratory scale to continuous production
Hannah Stieber, Walter Leitner, Gonzalo Prieto, Andreas J. Vorholt
Supercritical water gasification of biomass model compounds and subsequent steam reforming to maximize H2 yield
Athanasios Vadarlis, Julian Dutzi, Angeliki Lemonidou, Nikolaos Boukis, Jörg Sauer
Selective Hydrogenation in Multiphase Microcapillary Reactors: A Valuable Tool to Harmonize Feedstocks in Lab Scale
Florian Lehmann, Niclas von Vietinghoff, Takenobu Nakai, Lennard Nebel, Peter Pey, Karl Steffen Wulle, Dieter Vogt, Thomas Seidensticker
Development of novel, highly active, and selective multifunctional carbon nanotube-supported catalysts for the chemical hydrogenolysis of glycerol to 1,2-propanediol
Lumpp, S. Shaikh, J. Albert
Enhanced Biomass Valorization by Engineering of Polyoxometalate Catalysts (BioValCat)
J.-D. Krueger, M. J. Poller, J. Albert
Application of Jet Loop Reactors for the Selective Oxidation of Glycerol
Niehaus, I. Wirth, D. Voß, J. Albert
Power2ValueChemicals: Valorization of carbon dioxide for the climate-neutral production of chemicals
Lisa Steinwachs, Andreas Vorholt, Alexander Bauer, Eva Jodat, Rüdiger Eichel, Remigiusz Pastusiak, Elfride Simon, Marc Kristen, Robert Franke
Selective catalytic oxidation of residual ammonia for purification of green hydrogen from ammonia cracking
Sack, A. Gradel, H.-P. Schmid, J. Wünning, T. Plessing, A. Jess
Synthesis of suitable Fischer-Tropsch-Catalysts to produce kerosene and modeling of the Fischer-Tropsch-Reactor
Bachstädter, A. Jess
Liquid-liquid interfaces in homogeneous catalysis
Frederike S. Heinen, Walter Leitner, Andreas J. Vorholt
Selective Carbon Chain Building from Synthesis Gas
Jeroen T. Vossen, Walter Leitner, Andreas J. Vorholt
Sustainable dextrin based carbon nanofibers: Preparation, Characterization and Potential application in CO2 mitigation
Ben Khalifa, C. Cecone, F. Cesano, M. Zanetti, P. Bracco, G. Magnacca
Operando spectroscopy to study the deactivation of molecular catalysts in flow and its application for process control
Rucha S. Medhekar, Walter Leitner, Andreas J. Vorholt
GaNi Supported Catalytically Active Liquid Metal Solutions: efficient class of catalysts for the selective oligomerization of ethylene
Yousuf Raed Ramzi, Johanna Nisselbeck, Nicola Taccardi, Marco Haumann, Peter Wasserscheid
The Challenge of Transforming the Chemical Industry -
Contribution of the WSS-Research Center catalaix
Yasemin Kara, Catalina Molano Lopez, Klara Krämer-Klement, Ole Osterthun, Jürgen Klankermayer, Regina Palkovits