DGMK-Project Geosciences
Stress Dependency of Seismic Velocity in Anisotropic Sedimentary Rocks (Phase 1 & 2)
EMPG, Hanover - K. Miller
Neptune Energy Deutschland GmbH, Lingen - Dr C. Sick, P. Krajewski
Wintershall Holding GmbH, Kassel - M. Eckard, F. Kets
The aim of the project was to improve the evaluation of the stress dependence of velocities in sedimentary rocks under consideration of the lithology (e.g. clay content) and the stress conditions as well as the saturation state. A possible derivation of the stress conditions from the measured velocity anisotropy was also considered. The project included theoretical and phenomenological analyses of intrinsic and stress induced seismic anisotropy. In order to estimate and understand the stress dependence of seismic velocity in different anisotropic sedimentary rocks, the anisotropic piezosensitivity approach (also called porosity deformation approach) was applied and further developed. The validity of the theory was tested by comparison with measurement results.
The research results should contribute to a better theoretical understanding of 4D reflection seismic data with respect to anisotropy and in-situ stress conditions and lead to better velocity models for seismic imaging.
Based on literature studies and laboratory measurements, the theory for the prediction of seismic velocities in an anisotropic stress field was further developed, taking into account the texture and fissurization of the rocks. In particular, a research deficit in claystones or rocks with clay components under changing stress conditions was to be compensated.
The project was completed in two phases and published as DGMK research reports (741-1, 741-2).
Publications in peer-reviewed journals
Sviridov V, Mayr S, and Shapiro S.A, 2019, Rock elasticity as a function of the uniaxial stress: laboratory measurements and theoretical modelling of vertical transversely isotropic and orthorhombic shales. Geophysical prospecting, https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2478.12805
Sviridov V, Mayr S, and Shapiro S.A, 2017, Elastic properties of two VTI shale samples as a function of uniaxial stress: experimental results and application of porosity-deformation approach. Geophysics 82:6, C201-C210, https://doi.org/10.1190/geo2016-0459.1
Mayr S.I, Niemann R, and Shapiro S.A, 2016, Understanding of elastic anisotropy of shale under triaxial loading: Porosity deformation approach. Geophysics, 81(5): C163-C175, https://doi.org/10.1190/geo2015-0423.1
Extended abstracts, reports (peer-reviewed)
S.I. Mayr, V.A. Sviridov, S.A. Shapiro, 2019, Spannungsabhängigkeit der seismischen Geschwindigkeit in anisotropen sedimentären Gesteinen (Stress dependency of seismic velocity in anisotropic sedimentary rocks). Erdöl Erdgas Kohle
Mayr S, Sviridov V, Niemann R, and Shapiro S.A, 2018, Stress dependency of seismic velocity in anisotropic sedimentary rocks (Spannungsabhängigkeit der seismischen Geschwindigkeit in anisotropen sedimentären Gesteinen) DGMK‐Research Report 741‐2. Hamburg, ISSN 0937‐9762; ISBN 978‐3‐941721‐92‐0
Mayr S.I. Sviridov V. A. and Shapiro S. A, 2017, Some Constrains for Velocity Prediction by Means of the Porosity Deformation Approach. 79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2017, https://dx.doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609.201701195
Sviridov V, Mayr S.I, and Shapiro S.A, 2016, Elastic properties of VTI and HTI shale samples as a function of stress: Laboratory measurements versus theoretical modeling. SEG Conference in Dallas. In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2016, pages 3184-3189. https://dx.doi.org/10.1190/segam2016-13857145.1
Sviridov V, Mayr S, S. Shapiro, 2016, The Influence of Uniaxial Stress Conditions on the Elastic Properties of Vertical Transversely Isotropic Shale Fifth EAGE Shale Workshop in Catania, Italy. 2-4 May 2016
Mayr S, Sviridov V, Niemann R, and Shapiro S.A, 2015, Stress dependency of seismic velocity in anisotropic siliclastic rocks (Spannungsabhängigkeit der seismischen Geschwindigkeit in anisotropen siliklastischen Gesteinen) DGMK‐Research Report 741‐1. Hamburg, ISSN 0937‐9762; ISBN 978-3-941721-61-6.
Niemann R, Mayr S, S. Shapiro, 2015, Application of the extended porosity deformation approach to an HTI shale sample under triaxial stress conditions. 77th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, 1-4 June 2015, Madrid, Spain, pp. 1-2
Sviridov V, Mayr S, S. Shapiro, 2015, The influence of uniaxial stress conditions on the elastic properties of vertical transversely isotropic shale. 77th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, 1-4 June 2015, Madrid, Spain, pp. 1-4
Mayr S. Sviridov V, Shapiro S, 2014, Comparison of p- and s-wave velocities in a transversal isotropic sandstone and a shale under uniaxial loading conditions. 76th EAGE Conference & Exhibition 2014, Amsterdam RAI. The Netherlands, 16-19 June 2014, pp. 1-4
Other contributions to Conferences and Meetings
Mayr S.I, Sviridov V, and Shapiro S.A, 2017, Spannungsabhängigkeit der seismischen Geschwindigkeit in anisotropen sedimentären Gesteinen: Anwendung des porosity deformation approach. In DGMK/ÖGEW‐Frühjahrstagung, " Perspektiven für Erdöl und Erdgas ‐ Sicher und innovativ aus Deutschland", Celle, 5./6. April 2017, DGMK‐Tagungsbericht 2017‐1, ISBN 978‐3‐941721‐73‐9, pages 1– 10
Sviridov V, Mayr S.I, and Shapiro S.A, 2017, Stress dependency of elastic parameters in shales with different symmetries. VTI versus orthorhombic elastic medium. In DGMK/ÖGEW‐Frühjahrstagung, " Perspektiven für Erdöl und Erdgas ‐ Sicher und innovativ aus Deutschland", Celle, 5./6. April 2017, DGMK‐Tagungsbericht 2017‐1, ISBN 978‐3‐941721‐73‐9, pp 1–7
Mayr S.I, Sviridov V, and Shapiro S.A, 2017, Geschwindigkeitsvoraussage mittels des Porositätsdeformationsansatzes: einige unterstützende Bedingungen für die Parameter (A‐313) 77. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft Potsdam, March 23 ‐ 27
Mayr S.I, Sviridov V, and Shapiro S.A, 2016, Druckabhängige seismischen Eigenschaften von Ton‐ und Sandsteinen: Beschreibung mittels des Porositätsdeformationsansatzes. In DGMK/ÖGEW Frühjahrstagung, "Digitalisierung der Öl‐und Gasindustrie", Celle, 21./22. April 2016, DGMK Tagungsbericht 2016‐1, ISBN 978‐3‐941721‐64‐7, pages 1–9
Sviridov V, Mayr S.I, and Shapiro S.A, 2016, Stress dependency of elastic parameters in shales with different symmetries. VTI versus orthorhombic elastic medium. In DGMK/ÖGEW‐Frühjahrstagung, "Digitalisierung der Öl‐und Gasindustrie", Celle, 21./22. April 2016, DGMK‐Tagungsbericht 2016‐1, ISBN 978‐3‐941721‐64‐7, pages 1–7
V. Sviridov, S. Mayr S, Shapiro, 2015, Comparison of Experimentally Determined and Theoretically Predicted Elastic Properties of VTI Shale under Uniaxial Loading In DGMK/ÖGEW‐Frühjahrstagung 2015, Fachbereich Aufsuchung und Gewinnung Celle, 22./23. April 2015, DGMK‐Tagungsbericht 2015‐1, pages 1–6
Niemann R, Mayr S, S. Shapiro, 2015, Anwendung des Porositäts ‐ Deformations ‐ Ansatzes auf eine vertikal geschichtete Schieferprobe unter triaxialen Spannungsbedingungen, 75. Jahrestagung der DGG in Hannover, 23. ‐ 26. März 2015
Sviridov V, Mayr S, S. Shapiro, 2015, Comparison of experimentally determined and theoretically predicted elastic properties of VTI shale under uniaxial loading, 75. Jahrestagung der DGG in Hannover, 23. ‐ 26. März 2015
Mayr S, Sviridov V, S. Shapiro, 2015, Wie verändert anisotrope Spannung die elastischen Eigenschaften transversal isotroper Gesteine? (Influence of anisotropic stress on elastic properties of transversal isotropic rocks), 75. Jahrestagung der DGG in Hannover, 23. ‐ 26. März 2015
S. Mayr V. Sviridov, S. Shapiro, 2014, Comparison of p‐ and s‐wave velocities in a transversal isotropic sandstone and a shale under uniaxial loading conditions. DGMK/ÖGEW‐Frühjahrstagung 2014, Fachbereich Aufsuchung und Gewinnung Celle, 24./25. April 2014, DGMK‐Tagungsbericht 2014‐1, ISBN 978‐3‐941721‐42‐5, pages 1‐10
Robert Stettnisch. Fluid saturation dependence of elastic properties under uniaxial loading conditions: Analysis of an HTI sandstone, a VTI sandstone and a VTI limestone. Master theses, Freie Universität Berlin, 2016.
Baranenko Ganna. Elastische Eigenschaften und Anisotropieparameter eines Opalinustons in Abhängigkeit der uniaxialen Spannung. Bachelorarbeit, Freie Universität Berlin, 2015.
Ramona Niemann. Elastic Anisotropy of a Norwegian Shale Sample under Uniaxial and Hydrostatic Stress. Master theses, Freie Universität Berlin, 2015.
DEA German Oil AG
ExxonMobil Production Germany GmbH
Neptune Energy Germany GmbH
Wintershall Holding GmbH
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