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04.03.2024 | Research, Publications

Research report published: Development of gasoline fuel quality

Petrol has been and continues to be continuously adapted to the changing framework conditions brought about by application technology, environmental protection and politics. The research activities required for this have led to a significant improvement in fuel quality and to the petrol we know today. The development of these products is continuing and no end point has yet been reached, as the proportion of alternative petrol components will increase, particularly in order to reduce CO2 emissions.

After the DGMK last carried out a comprehensive analysis of petrol in 2003, the DGMK Technical Committees for Fuels and Analysis have published the new edition in cooperation. In the industry-funded project, samples of the winter quality of commercially available petrol from refineries and imported samples were analyzed. The properties required for petrol according to DIN EN 228 and other parameters not required by DIN EN 228 were determined.

The DGMK Research Report 879 has been published under the title "Composition of gasoline winter fuels 2022/2023" and can be ordered directly from the DGMK.

879 Composition of gasoline winter goods 2022/2023

150,00 €