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17.05.2019 | Events

Experts Discuss the Future of Deep Geothermal Energy

What are the set screws for sustainable deep geothermal energy? This question was addressed by over 100 experts from industry, research and authorities at the 11th !Norddeutschen Geothermietagung" (North German Geothermal Energy Conference) on 15 May 2019 in the GEOZENTRUM Hanover.

The focus of the technical presentations was on lessons learned from past and current projects in Northern Germany, on the technical requirements for safe and sustainable operation, and on the general conditions for the economic operation of deep geothermal energy in Germany.

There was broad consensus that deep geothermal energy can make a significant contribution to achieving climate protection goals in the area of heat supply. Compared to other renewable energies, however, geothermal energy has so far received little attention in politics and public perception. With the existing funding models, deep geothermal energy in Germany is not attractive enough for investors. Our European neighbours in France or the Netherlands show how it can be done better.


The participants in the panel discussion (photo from left): Achim Fischer-Erdsiek (Pro Risk GmbH), Andreas Tönies (Member of the Board Daldrup & Söhne AG), Andreas Sikorski (President of the Landesamt für Bergbau, Energie und Geologie), Dr. Volker Monser (Project Management Jülich) and Alexander Kattner (Bergamt Stralsund).