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31.03.2022 | DGMK-News, Research

Calculation tool published for project 815 and 856.

What is the CO2 footprint of green hydrogen? And what is the footprint of bio-fuels? And what does the production of e-fuels cost? What are the energy requirements associated with production and how efficiently are resources used in different process routes? In the DGMK projects 815 and 856 costs and CO2 footprint of greenhouse gas-neutral and -reduced energy sources comprehensively elaborated.

For both projects, a model was developed to calculate costs and CO2 emissions can be calculated. We provide you with the developed model calculator for download. For recalculation, for calculating with your own parameters, for checking sensitivities.

The tool can be downloaded free of charge from our website. We do not guarantee accuracy; for explanations of the processes considered and the input parameters, we refer you to Research Report 815 and 856..