Pursuant to §10 para. 3 of the Statutes, the DGMK Board invites you to the Ordinary General Meeting 2023, which will be held this year as an attendance event.
Ordinary General Assembly of the DGMK 2023
- Opening of the o. General Assembly 2023 by the Chairman of DGMK, Robert Frimpong.
- Adoption of the DGMK Annual Report for 2022; the Annual Report was published in the journal EEK Technology & Transformation of Fossil and Green Energy Sources; see EEK 139, issue 6/2023, pp. 32 - 47.
- Receipt of the auditors' report and adoption of the annual financial statements for the fiscal year from Jan. 1, 2022, to Dec. 31, 2022; see EEK 139, issue 6/2023, p. 46 of the annual report for 2022.
- Discharge of the Board of Directors for the year 2022.
- Discharge of the management for the year 2022.
- Report of the Executive Board on the development of the Company in the current year 2023.
- Report of the Executive Board on the financial situation of the Society with a view to 2024 and approval of the budget for 2024. Adoption of the scale of contributions for 2024 (Section 10 (1) of the Articles of Association).
- Election of Executive Board members (Section 11 (3) of the Articles of Association); see Executive Board proposals below.
- Appointments to the Scientific Advisory Board (§ 15 para. 3 of the Statutes); see the proposals of the Executive Board below.
- Election of the auditors of DGMK for the financial year 2024; the Board proposes to elect Wintershall Dea Deutschland GmbH and Deutsche Shell Holding GmbH.
- Miscellaneous.
If you have any other suggestions for the agenda, please send them in writing to the DGMK office by October 15, 2023.
Note on agenda item 8 "Election of Executive Board members":
- On Dec. 31, 2023, the statutory term of office of Frederic Sager as treasurer and vice chairman of the DGMK. The Board proposes to re-elect Mr. Frederic Sager, Head of Finance, Neptune Energy Holding Germany GmbH, as Treasurer and thus as member of the Board of DGMK for the term of office from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2027.
- On December 31, 2013, the statutory term of office of Mr. Professor Dr. Dieter Vogt as head of the DGMK petrochemistry department. The Petrochemistry Department proposes to re-elect Prof. Vogt as Head of the Department and thus to the Board of DGMK for the term of office from 01.01.2024 to 31.12.2027.
The executive board submits these proposals to the general assembly of members for voting in accordance with § 11 (3) or § 13 (4) of the articles of association.
Comment on agenda item 9 "Appointments to the Scientific Advisory Board":
On December 31, 2023, the statutory terms of office of Prof. Dr. Christoph Hilgers, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - KIT, Karlsruhe and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Jess, University of Bayreuth Chair of Chemical Engineering, Bayreuth as members of the Scientific Advisory Board of DGMK. The two gentlemen are willing to continue to serve on the Advisory Board.
The Board proposes to reappoint Prof. Dr. Hilgers and Prof. Dr. Jess to the Scientific Advisory Board of the DGMK for the term of office from 01.01.2024 to 31.12.2027.
The executive board submits these proposals to the general assembly of members for voting in accordance with § 15 (3) of the statutes.
Afterwards we invite you to networking & fish sandwiches.
We ask that you register by November 2, 2023.
Registration is closed.
To register at short notice, please send an e-mail to ines.musekamp@dgmk.de.
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