Nach verschobenen und online durchgeführten Veranstaltungen legen 2023, we will have the Fokus again full und whole auf the networking on site. The 28th yahrestreffen of the analytiker wird ersttimesig in the Sommer take placeen. Wir freuen uns to a lively exchangeusch. Sehen She dfromei, wenn sich Wissenschaft and industryie meetfen.
Annual meeting of the analysts 2023
House of the Patriotic Society
Trostbrücke 6, 20457 Hamburg
1:30 p.m.
Welcome and Opening
Wolfgang Gorek, Chair DGMK Expert Committee Analytics
TotalEnergies Raffinerie Mitteldeutschland GmbH, Leuna
Wolfgang Gorek, Chair DGMK Expert Committee Analytics
TotalEnergies Raffinerie Mitteldeutschland GmbH, Leuna
1:45 p.m.
Legal implications of product compositions
Dr. Michael Winkler
en2x Wirtschaftsverband Fuels und Energie e.V., Berlin
Dr. Michael Winkler
en2x Wirtschaftsverband Fuels und Energie e.V., Berlin
2:15 p.m.
Current questions on analytics and workplace exposure to benzene
Jana Dospil
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance, Sankt Augustin
Jana Dospil
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance, Sankt Augustin
2:45 p.m.
Coffee Break
Analytical methods for determining the quality requirements of hydrogen
Dr. Klaus Tröster
ASG Analytical Service AG, Neusäß, Germany
Dr. Klaus Tröster
ASG Analytical Service AG, Neusäß, Germany
3.45 p.m.
Criteria catalog for additives - Test criteria for paraffinic fuel oils
Ing. Karl Fleischhacker
OMV Downstream GmbH, Schwechat
Ing. Karl Fleischhacker
OMV Downstream GmbH, Schwechat
4.15 pm
Fuel oil marking - introduction of a new marking substance
Dr. Dirk Jacobi
General Customs Directorate Scientific Department Munich, Markt Schwaben
Dr. Dirk Jacobi
General Customs Directorate Scientific Department Munich, Markt Schwaben
from 7 pm
Dinner at the Kalliopea Restaurant
Neue Wöhr 14 | 22307 Hamburg
Neue Wöhr 14 | 22307 Hamburg
9.00 a.m.
Very fast gas chromatography for petrochemical applications
Dr. Peter Boeker, Peter Faust
HyperChrom Germany GmbH, Bonn
Dr. Peter Boeker, Peter Faust
HyperChrom Germany GmbH, Bonn
Solubility behavior of paraffinic diesel fuels
Sebastian Feldhoff
OWI Science for Fuels gGmbH An-Institute of RWTH Aachen University, Herzogenrath
Sebastian Feldhoff
OWI Science for Fuels gGmbH An-Institute of RWTH Aachen University, Herzogenrath
10.00 a.m.
Future fuels for maritime shipping from residue pyrolysis
Dr. Ulrike Schümann, Dr. Fanny Langschwager
Chair for Piston Engines and Internal Combustion Engines University of Rostock, Rostock
Dr. Ulrike Schümann, Dr. Fanny Langschwager
Chair for Piston Engines and Internal Combustion Engines University of Rostock, Rostock
10.30 a.m.
Coffee break, snack
11.00 a.m.
Problems from the field in the use of GtL in emergency power systems
Dr. Klaus Lucka
TEC4FUELS GmbH, Herzogenrath
Dr. Klaus Lucka
TEC4FUELS GmbH, Herzogenrath
11.30 a.m.
Advanced jet fuels
Dr. Achim Schaadt*, Dr. Klaus Tröster**
* Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, Freiburg, Germany ** ASG Analytik-Service AG, Neusäß, Germany
Dr. Achim Schaadt*, Dr. Klaus Tröster**
* Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, Freiburg, Germany ** ASG Analytik-Service AG, Neusäß, Germany
12.00 p.m.
Structure elucidation in complex mixtures: What's really in a petroleum?
Prof. Wolfgang Schrader
Max Planck Institute for Coal Research, Mülheim an der Ruhr
Prof. Wolfgang Schrader
Max Planck Institute for Coal Research, Mülheim an der Ruhr
from 12.30
Conference Fee
Personal Member of the DGMK/ÖGEW
230 EUR
270 EUR
Registration is requested by June 1, 2023. Please use the registration form below for your binding registration.
Tuee Tagsion fee includes, in addition to of the conference participation the conferenceerlagen, Kaffeepausen, Snack bars- and eveningsssen; incl. 7 % VAT on the catering portion. For Vortragende apply the gleichen Tagungsgebühren. After registration you will receive an invoice for the conference fee to be paid. The number of participants is limited.
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Event Coordinator
Jan Ludzay
Head of the Refining and Product Application Department
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