Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Welcome and Opening
Großer Saal
G. Netzeband, Managing Director of DGMK e.V., J. Rückheim, Chairman of the DGMK Department of Geo- Energy Systems and Underground Technologies
Plenary Lectures
Moderation: J. Rückheim
Th. Schaefer, Head of Thematic Cluster Digitalization & Climate Change, Cologne Institute for Economic Research, Cologne, Germany
L. Kirchberger, Head of Asset Decarbonization & New Technologies, Wien Energie GmbH, Vienna, Austria
R. Frimpong, Chairman of the Board of DGMK e.V.
G. Netzeband, Managing Director of DGMK e.V.
underground storage technology
Moderation: R. Przyrowski
Großer Saal
B. Leuger, L. Baumgärtel, F. Körner, D. Zapf, Leibniz University Hannover, Institute of Geotechnics Dept. IUB, Hannover
D. Maut, K. Pfeifer, UGS GmbH, Engineering, Mittenwalde
K. Schippers1, S. Emmerlich2, J. Langer2, R. Schäfer2, M. Simon2, 1NWKG, Wilhelmshaven, 2DEEP.KBB GmbH, Bad Zwischenahn
D. Zabel1, N. Baric1, S. Kreiger2, 1OMV Aut E&P GmbH, Subsurface Engineering Austria, Gänserndorf, Austria, 2OMV Gas Storage GmbH, Technical Asset Management, Vienna, Austria
Digital Transformation
Moderation: J. Möller
Hunting room
N. Grobys, Wintershall Dea, Hamburg
K. Verbole Ilijev1, M. Vögele2, I. Tishchenko2, E. Avbelj1, S. Hercus2, A. Payer-Moser1M. S. Eichinger-Klemm2, 1OMV Exploration & Production GmbH, Gänserndorf, Austria, 2OMV Exploration & Production GmbH, Vienna, Austria
S. Egger, ONEO, Vienna, Austria
de Groot, M., Mackie, S, Wintershall Dea AG, Hamburg
Moderation: J. Schoenherr
Celler Saal
F.Wellmann1,2, J. Niederau1, O. Ritzmann1, 1Fraunhofer IEG, Bochum, 2Numerical Geosciences, Geothermal Energy and Reservoir Geophysics, RWTH Aachen University
L. Weydt, Technical University of Darmstadt, Department of Geothermal Science and Technology, Darmstadt
M. Ziegler1,2, O. Heidbach2,3, 1Technical University Munich, Munich, 2Helmholtz Center Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, 3TU Berlin, Institute for Applied Geosciences, Berlin
J. A. Ölmez1,2, B. Busch1, R. Möbius
Moderation: B. Gerhartz
S. Seidl, ONEO GmbH & Co. KG, HSSEQ, Vienna, Austria
B. Zonnenberg, BMT Europe B.V., Farmsum, Netherlands
N. Delling, P. Eckardt, Wintershall Dea Deutschland GmbH, Hamburg,
P. Elster, PE Resilient Systems Consulting, Leipzig
Poster Session
Moderation: L. Ganzer, V. Köhler, R. Oswald
Gallery on the upper floor & in front of the Celle Hall
Evening Event
Großer Saal
R. Oswald, Chairman of ÖGEW
A. Mündel, SVP Strategy & Operations Programs, Deutsche Post DHL Group, Bonn
Thaers Wirtshaus, Thaerpl. 1, 29221 Celle (Directly at the Congress Union Celle)
Thursday, May 16, 2024
in the foyer
Underground Storage
Moderation: I. Forstner
Großer Saal
S. Husch, Institute for Geology and Geochemistry of Petroleum and Coal, RWTH Aachen University in cooperation with the Fraunhofer IEG in Bochum
T. Tischner, Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Deep Geothermal Energy and CO2 Storage, Hanover
D. Bücken1,2, T. Backers1, 1Ruhr University Bochum, Working Group "Engineering Geology and Rock Mechanics", Institute of Geology, Mineralogy and Geophysics, Bochum, 2Geomecon GmbH, Berlin
Methane emission
Moderation: J. Lillie
Hunting room
M. Neupert, Kümmerlein, Lawyers & Notaries, Essen
G. Kotsiopoulou, OMV Exploration & Production GmbH, Facility Optimization, Vienna, Austria
J. Brandtner1, J. Schmitt2P. Weustermann3, 1Bundesverband Erdgas, Erdöl und Geoenergie e.V., Sustainability and Environment, Hanover, 2Wintershall Dea AG, Sustainability, Kassel, 3ExxonMobil Production Deutschland GmbH, Sustainability, Hanover
Petroleum Engineering
Moderation: A. Payer-Moser
Celler Saal
T. Vielhauer, J. Plenge, F. Fazeli, ExxonMobil Production Deutschland GmbH, Hanover
S. Salchenegger1, D. Oliva Marti1, A.-M. Burchisis2, A.-C. Popa2,1OMV Exploration & Production GmbH, Reservoir Optimization, Gaenserndorf, Austria, 2OMV Petrom SA, Bucharest, Romania
S. Künckeler, H. Beckmann, D. Prasno, Wintershall Dea Deutschland GmbH, Hamburg
Performing while Transforming
Moderation: A. Weiß
Castle room
M. Seywald, ONEO GmbH, Vienna, Austria
J. Haske1, T. Rudolph2, 1Research Center of Post-Mining at the THGA University Bochum, Reactivation & Transition, Bochum, 2Research Center of Post-Mining at the THGA University Bochum, Geomonitoring, Bochum
H. Stieber, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion, Molecular Catalysis, Multiphase Catalysis, Mühlheim an der Ruhr
Geothermal Energy
Moderation: J. Uhde
Großer Saal
S. Mohammadi1, G. Brenner2, 1Clausthal University of Technology, Department of Current Mechanics, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, 2Institute of Engineering Mechanics, Department of Fluid Mechanics, Clausthal-Zellerfeld
D. Teza1, D. Boernecke2, K. Appelhans2, F. Jagert2, J. Raube3, E. H. Saenger4,5, 1Fraunhofer IEG, Karlsruhe, 2Fraunhofer IEG, Bochum, 3Stadtwerke Bochum Holding GmbH, Bochum, 4Bochum University of Applied Sciences, Bochum, 5Ruhr University Bochum, Bochum
F. Schroers1, K. K. Oezcubukcu2, U. Alt-Epping1, 1Wintershall Dea Deutschland GmbH, Hamburg, 2Wintershall Dea AG, Kassel
V. Goldberg1,2, D. Winter3, J. Koschikowski3, T. Kohl1, F. Nitschke1, 1Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Geothermal Energy and Reservoir Technology, Karlsruhe, 2Universidad de Chile, Centro de Excelencia en Geotermia de Los Andes, Santiago de Chile, Chile, 3Fraunhofer ISE, Freiburg
Energy Storage
Moderation: Th. Schröckenfuchs
Hunting room
S. Hogeweg1, B. Hagemann1, G. Strobel2, C. Kosack2, L. Ganzer1, 1Clausthal University of Technology, Institute of Subsurface Energy Systems, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, 2Uniper Energy Storage GmbH, Düsseldorf
L. Dengler1, G. Schmid1, A. Koerdt2, A. Böllmann1, A. Kaul1, 1Microbify GmbH, Straubing,2Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Biological Material Damage and Reference Organisms, Berlin
T. Pan, K.-H. Lux, R. Wolters-Zhao, Clausthal University of Technology, Chair of Geomechanics and Multiphysical Systems, Clausthal-Zellerfeld
C. T. Lüddeke, B. Hagemann, L. Ganzer, Clausthal University of Technology (TU Clausthal), Institute of Subsurface Energy Systems, Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Production Engineering
Moderation: D. Davies
Celler Saal
N. Schmidt, CSE-Engineering Center of Safety Excellence GmbH, Pfinztal
J. Nolle1Th.Späth2, 1ExxonMobil Production Deutschland GmbH, TEEX, Hanover, 2egeplast international GmbH, Greven
T. Ladewig, ExxonMobil Production Deutschland GmbH, Asset Optimization Execution, Hanover
S. Schröder, O. Schierenbeck, J. Kaluza, Wintershall Dea Deutschland GmbH, PLT IT/OT, Hamburg
SPE Youngtimer Garage
Moderation: D. Bücken, J. Siwert
Celle Castle Room
D. Bücken1, J. Siwert1, 1geomecon GmbH, Berlin, 1Equinor ASA, Trondheim, Norway
A. Owolabi, Eavor Deutschland GmbH, Düsseldorf
C. Lesche, Uniper SE, Düsseldorf
I. Becker.1, C. Kosinowski2, L. Hoegn3, J. Löw4, 1Equinor ASA, Harstad, Norway, 2Neptune Energy Holding Germany GmbH, Hanover, 3ExxonMobil Production Deutschland GmbH, Hanover, 4Geomec Engineering, Hafrsfjord, Norway
D. Bücken1, J. Siwert2, 1geomecon GmbH, Berlin, 2Equinor ASA, Trondheim, Norway
Poster award ceremony
Moderation: L. Ganzer, R. Oswald
Großer Saal
Geothermal Energy / Geothermal Risking
Moderation: D. Teza
Großer Saal
G. Hollmann1, J. Böhner2, A. El-Alfy3A. Fischer-Erdsiek4, I. Forstner5, S. Homuth6, S. Kuchling7, M. Meirich8, A. Möhring9, O. Ritzmann10, J. Schönherr11, J. Uhde12, 1ONEO, Hanover, 2HDI Risk Consulting GmbH, Hanover, 3Geo-Energie Suisse AG, Zurich, 4NW Assekuranzmakler ProRisk GmbH & Co. KG, Hanover, 5BVEG e.V., Hanover, 6Deutsche ErdWärme GmbH & Co. KG, Karlsruhe, 7DGMK e.V., Hamburg, 8neowells GmbH, Visbek, 9NDEWG GmbH, Lingen / Ems, 10Fraunhofer IEG, Bochum, 11ExxonMobil Production Deutschland GmbH, Hanover, 12geopfalz GmbH & Co. KG, Speyer
J. Badstoeber, T. Schroeckenfuchs, OMV Energy, Gänserndorf, Austria
B. Beans1, D. Bücken1, H. Falk2, T. Meier1, A. Rogers3, 1geomecon GmbH, Berlin, 2Eavor GmbH, Düsseldorf, 3Eavor Technologies Inc., Calgary, Canada
W. Hujer1, G. Tari2, 1OMV Energy, OMV TECH Center & Lab, Core & Cutting Technologies, Gänserndorf, Austria, 2OMV Energy, Business Development, Vienna, Austria
Moderation: M. Becker
Hunting room
J. Kulich, H. Ott, Montanuniversität Leoben, Chair of Reservoir Engineering, Geoenergy, Leoben, Austria
A. Tamaskovics, N.-A. Kummer, M. Amro, H. Alkan, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Freiberg, Germany
H. Ott1, O. Amrollahinasab1, S. Berg2, 1Montanuniversität Leoben, Department Geonergy, Leoben, Austria, 2Shell Global Solutions International B.V., Amsterdam, Netherlands
P. Adam, L. Biyikli, Siemens Energy Global GmbH & Co. KG, Erlangen
H2 Storage
Moderation: H.Bernhardt
Celler Saal
S. Boor1, M. Strzeja2, N. Weber3, 1Uniper Energy Storage GmbH, Subsurface Facilities Storages, Düsseldorf, 2Uniper Energy Storage GmbH, Surface Facilities Storages, Düsseldorf, 3DEEP.KBB GmbH, Subsurface Technologies, Hanover
L. Krasper, M. Wagner, MicroPro GmbH, Microbiology, Gommern
M. Abdellatif1, S. Azizmohammadi1, G. Stiedl1, P. Jasek1, H. Ott1, M. Pichler2, 1Montanuniversität Leoben, Department Geoenergy, Leoben, Austria, 2RAG Austria, Subsurface Storage Development, Vienna, Austria
G. Strobel, C. Kosack, G. Dietzsch, Uniper Energy Storage GmbH, Düsseldorf
drilling technology
Moderation: S. van der Woude
L. Bierenriede1, B. de Vries2, 1Neptune Energy Holding Germany GmbH, Drilling & Wells, Hanover, 2Halliburton, Completion Tools, Emmen, Netherlands
D. Di Tommaso, Weatherford, Interpretation and Evaluation - Drilling Services, Ortona, Italy
T. Trauth1, J. Binder2, 1Herrenknecht Vertical GmbH, Business Development Manager, Schwanau, 2Herrenknecht Vertical GmbH, Technical Director, Schwanau
K. Skinder, H. Ibrahim, G. Brenner, TU Clausthal/Institute of Applied Mechanics, Department of Fluid Dynamics, Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Wednesday, May 15, 2024, 17:30 - 19:00
Poster Session
Moderation: L. Ganzer, V. Köhler, R. Oswald
Gallery on the upper floor & in front of the Celle Hall
L. Bierenriede1, F. Pienaar2, 1Neptune Energy Holding Germany GmbH, Drilling & Wells, Hanover, 2NOV Germany GmbH, Liner Hanger Systems, Vechta
C. Cheng, B. Busch, A. Kontny, C. Hilgers, KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Techonology, Institute of Applied Geosciences, Karlsruhe
S. Pang1, B. Hagemann1, N. Langanke1,2, L. Ganzer1, 1Institute of Subsurface Energy System, Clausthal University of Technology, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, 2HOT Microfluidics GmbH, Goslar
L. Gevorgyan, R. Haseneder, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institute of Thermal Process Engineering, Environmental and Natural Materials Process Engineering, Freiberg
T. Rudolph1, A. Müterthies2, C.-H. Yang2P. Goerke-Mallet1, 1Georg Agricola University of Technology, Post-Mining Research Center, Bochum, 2EFTAS Fernerkundung Technologietransfer GmbH, Münster
J. Meinsen, I. Bruns, K. Fischer, M. Helms, S. Sattler, R. Schöner, State Office for Mining, Energy and Geology, Hanover
T. Fischer, F. Albus, H. Ayad, I. Ulumaskan, Wintershall Dea Deutschland GmbH, Business & Information Management, Hamburg
F. Bruening1, D. Sandana2, 1ROSEN Germany GmbH, Challenging Pipeline Diagnostics, Lingen, 2ROSEN UK Ltd, Integrity Management Services, Newcastle, United Kingdom
H. Geistlinger1,2, B. Zulfiqar1, M. Amro2, 1Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research-UFZ Leipzig-Halle, BOSYS, Halle, 2TU Berakademie Freiberg, Institute for Drilling Technology and Fluid Mining, Freiberg
J. Michelsen1, B. Hagemann1, L. Ganzer1, M. Pichler2, A. Andiappan2, 1TU Clausthal, Institute of Subsurface Energy Systems, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, 2RAG Austria AG, Vienna, Austria
B. Zulfiqar1,2, H. Geistlinger1,2, M. Amro2, 1Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research, BOSYS, Halle, 2TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institute for Drilling Technology and Fluid Mining, Freiberg
S. Golmohammadi, C. Freese, M. Amro, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Freiberg
M. Pawlowski, Weatherford, geoscience, langenhagen
K.-H. Lux, J. Sun-Kurczinski, T. Pan, TU Clausthal, Chair of Geomechanics and Multiphysical Systems, Clausthal-Zellerfeld
M. Krüger, A. Dohrmann, Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Geochemistry of Raw Materials, Hanover
P. Bombach1, A.-S. Biwen2, K. Cerna3, J. Riha3, V. Hlavackova3, K. Fadrhonc3, N. Paltrinieri4, K. Kyaw4, A. Oust4, p. wheel5, S. Stephant5, M. Caroline5, D. Ropers6, A. Belcour6, H. de Jong6, J. Tremosa7, N. Doffel2, 7Isodetect GmbH, Leipzig, 2Norce, Bergen, Norway, 3Technical University of Liberec, Liberec, Czechia, 4Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway,5French Geological Survey BRGM, Orléans, France, 6Inria, Grenoble, France, 7Geostock, Ruel-Malmaison, France
W. A. Heins1, H. R. Leah2, P. J. Webb2, C. J. Hill2, 1Getech Group plc, Houston, United States, 2Getech Group plc, Leeds, United Kingdom
F. Käsbohrer, M. Franz, University of Göttingen, Department of Applied Geology, Göttingen
P. Junkers, Barbarino & Kilp GmbH - HYTORC, Management, Krailling / near Munich
C. Ejike1, K. Abid2, C. Teodoriu2, 1The University of Oklahoma, Norman, United States, 2The University of Oklahoma, MPGE, Norman, United States
S. Avinu1, K. Abid2, C. Teodoriu2, 1The University of Oklahoma, Norman, United States, 2The University of Oklahoma, MPGE, Norman, United States
A. Toledo Velazco, K. Abid, C. Teodoriu, The University of Oklahoma, MPGE, Norman, United StatesA. Toledo Velazco, K. Abid, C. Teodoriu, The University of Oklahoma, MPGE, Norman, United States
C. Teodoriu1, K. Abid1, Y. Esquitin2, R. Velasquez2, 1The University of Oklahoma, MPGE, Norman, United States, 2Welltec, Houston, United StatesC. Teodoriu1, K. Abid1, Y. Esquitin2, R. Velasquez2, 1The University of Oklahoma, MPGE, Norman, United States, 2Welltec, Houston, United States
J. Diessl1, H. Stockhausen1, E. Kårstad1, M. Bruno2, J. Vickers3, A. Kellner4, 1THREE60 Energy Norway, Stavanger, Norway, 2GeoMechanics Technologies, Los Angeles, United States, 3Vermilion Energy, Hanover, Germany, 4Vermilion Energy, Geoscience, Hanover, Germany
D. A. von Reinicke Laredo, S. Roy, A. Henk, TU Darmstadt - Institute of Applied Geosciences, Engineering Geology, Darmstadt
J. Möller, Siemens AG, Digital Industries, Mannheim, Germany
D. Unursaikhan, C. Freese, M. Amro, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Freiberg
R. Pierau, W. Wirth, State Office for Mining, Energy and Geology, Hanover
L. Ochmann1, A. Eight1, C. McMichael2, A. Moffat2, 1AtkinsRéalis, Oldenburg, Germany, 1AtkinsRéalis, Glasgow, United Kingdom
L. Yström1, M. Trumpp1, J. Amtmann2, D. Winter3, J. Koschikowski3, F. Nitschke1, 1Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Geothermal Energy and Reservoir Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2Geosaic GmbH, Knittelfeld, Austria, 3Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE), Freiburg
M. Trumpp1, L. Yström1, F. Eichinger2, J. Amtmann3, D. Winter4, J. Koschikowski4, T. Kohl1, F. Nitschke1, 1Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Geothermal Energy and Reservoir Technology, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany, 2Hydroisotop GmbH, Schweitenkirchen, Germany, 3Geosaic GmbH, Knittefeld, Austria, 4Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISM
P. Jasek1, H. Konegger2, E. Edlinger2, A. Loibner2, H. Ott1, 1Montanuniversität Leoben, Department Geoenergy, Leoben, Austria, 2University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Institute of Environmental Biotechnology, Tulln, Austria
F. Nitschke, L. Ystroem, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Applied Geosciences, Karlsruhe
J. Hoffmann1, B. Polat2, V. Wittig3, 1Fraunhofer IEG, Advanced drilling, Bochum, 2Fraunhofer IEG, advanced Drilling, Bochum, 3Fraunhofer IEG, Advanced Drilling, Bochum
R. Stockmann, M. Meyer, V. Wittig, Fraunhofer IEG, Advanced Drilling, Bochum
S. Röhling1, Project Team Warm-Up1,2,3,4, 1Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Subsurface Use, Berlin, 2Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics, Hanover, 3ECOLOG Institute for Social-Ecological Research and Education, Lüneburg, 4Institute for Ecological Economy Research, Berlin
BMWK-FKZ-03EE4023E-UnLimiteD, University of Göttingen, Applied Geoscience Dept., Göttingen, GermanyBMWK-FKZ-03EE4023E-UnLimiteD, University of Göttingen, Applied Geoscience Dept., Göttingen, Germany
BMWK-FKZ-03EE4036E-GFK-Monitor, University of Göttingen, Applied Geoscience Dept., Göttingen
Wirth, M., Stenby, E.H., Yan, W., Technical University of Denmark, Center for Energy Resources Engineering
H. Stieber, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion, Molecular Catalysis | Multiphase Catalysis, Mühlheim an der Ruhr
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