Production Engineering
Water processing in the tailend phase of gas production - experimental investigations
In a previous feasibility study (DGMK research report 629-1) different purification techniques for the treatment of reservoir waters obtained from natural gas production were compared such as adsorption, oxidation, membrane techniques and thermal methöds. Only little is known in the literature about the application of mechanical techniques to reservoir waters. Hence, in the present study different flotation techniques - pneumatic flotation, dissolved air flotation and electroflotation - were examined. In the experiments three synthetic waters and two reservoir waters with quite different salt contents were used. The main focus was on the electroflotation as newest and increasingly applied technique. It was shown that the concentrations of the heavy metals (Z n Cd Hg ) and of the hydrocarbons can be lowered below the maximum permissible values, when iron electrodes and flocculants are used. The noticeably water-soluble BTX were stripped with air in a column according to the state of the art.
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