Technical Committee Storage, Transportation and Distribution
Volume 668-1 Leakproofnees of rail tank wagons and Volume 668-2 Leakproofnees of rail tank wagons - Evaluation of suggestions made in DGMK-Research Report 668-1 and their implementation
Notes on the publication of DGMK Research Reports 668-1 and 668-2
DGMK Project 668 "Leak tightness of RTCs" was initiated in 2006 on the initiative of the German Petroleum Industry Association (MWV) against the background of some incomprehensible complaints about RTCs.
The Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) could be won as a processor. It first carried out a comprehensive survey of the legal situation and the technical and organisational processes at the filling and discharge points and then developed proposals for solutions to reduce the risk of drip leaks. The work of BAM is compiled in DGMK Research Report 668-1.
The evaluation of the conceivable possible solutions and their feasibility in practice were examined in a second phase of the project by the project supervisors (industry representatives from the various sectors). The evaluation of the possible solutions presented was carried out with regard to their feasibility at the individual locations and for the tank wagons used. It included a benefit/cost analysis and a review of the possibility of implementing the solution measures in the short term. The resulting recommendations show feasible options for avoiding drip leaks. The results of the second project phase are presented in DGMK Research Report 668-2.
When forming an opinion on the subject, it is essential to consider only both parts of the report together.
DGMK Research Report 668-1
Leakproofnees of rail tank wagons
To warranty the leakproofnees of rail tank wagons during service the European regulations
concerning the carriage of dangerous goods by Rail (RID) makes demands both structural,
constructional requirements of the equipment as well as to the use, the service of these tank
wagons and their parts of equipment.
The aim of the project was to determinate the causes for arising leakages at the lower filling
and discharge equipment of tank wagons during service (for the carriage of dangerous goods
of class 3 in Germany) and the elaboration of appropriate suggestions in technical and
organisational direction as well as to the appropriate legal status to avoid this leakage.
DGMK Research Report 668-2
Leakproofnees of rail tank wagons
Evaluation of suggestions made in DGMK-Research Report 668-1
and their implementation
Reasons for leakage of rail tank wagons (during service for transportation of dangerous
goods of class 3 according to German regulations) were described in DGMK-Research
Report 668-1. Possibilities of eliminating these leakage risks were pointed out and solutions
were listed in the report. DGMK-Research Report 668-2 contains the assessment and
evaluation of the above suggested solutions. These studies were carried out by the
projectadvisors, who represent the industry dealing with the loading/unloading/transportation
of rail tank wagons. Based on their daily experience with the handling of rail tank wagons as
well as on investigations of the technical and economical feasibility, the projectadvisors
developed proposals on how to avoid leakages. These proposals offer usable possibilities to
reduce the risk of leakage of rail tank wagons and may be applied in a rather short time.