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Fuel Oils

Deposit formation in oil burners

Modern and low-emission liquid fuel burners make use of partial premix or premix fuelmixture generation. This is a vital criterion in order to achieve low-emission combustion. Transition to gaseous phase must take place prior premixed combustion of liquid fuels. Heat is transferred to the fuel during this process, starting to the auto oxidation reaction inside the fuel that may lead to the formation of carbon deposits. Polymers with a high boiling point are the products of this radical induced reaction and they remain as deposits upon the surface of the evaporator.

Investigations about the formation of these deposits were conducted in a partial-premixing combustion system as well as in a premixing combustion system. The impacts of the parameters temperature, air/fuel ratio, mode of operation, and different fuel properties were investigated during this process. Dependencies on single parameters were determined by the use of idealised test rigs. Dependency on the temperature was proven by the vaporization of single fuel drops and correlated to results from premix combustors.

A. Fischoeder et al.
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50,00 €