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Production Engineering

„Scaling on Critical Parts“ - Literature study -

During production of natural gas or petroleum, the used structural components are exposed to many different strains and detrimental influences. One of these influencing variables is scaling with different organic or inorganic components of complex compositions, resulting in impairment of the functionalities of the structural components.
In a literature research, primarily based on the keyword 'lotus-effect', procedures for coating or modification of material surfaces of exceptionally critical processing parts should be searched in order to protect them against scaling with organic or inorganic matter.
Firstly, mechanisms of scale formation resp. of adhesion of liquids and particles on surfaces are reported. The surface tensions of the involved fluids and solids are of considerable importance for adhesion behaviour of the fluids (or liquid solutions) on solid surfaces. So, suitable physical or chemical modifications of the substrate surfaces (e.g. surface energy or roughness) may influence the scale formation.
Basing on these findings, different coatings resp. surface modifications were investigated for which antiadhesive behaviour resp. low tendency for scale formation is observed or is thought to be possible.
Different kinds of coatings or surface modifications were distinguished by their manufacturing processes as well as the topographical, chemical and mechanical properties of the coatings. Their main properties as found during the literature research are reported as well.

W. Gloede, D. Faßhauer, I. Handreg
Softcover ISBN
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