Microwave and Gliding Arc Plasma Pyrolysis of Methane: Comparison of the Plasma Sources
Kreuznacht, S., Böddeker, S., Purcel, M., Böke, M., Xia, W., Muhler, M., Awakowicz, P., von Keudell, A.
Microwave and Gliding Arc Plasma Pyrolysis of Methane: Carbon Characterization
Purcel, M., Kreuznacht, S., Böddeker, S., Xia, W., Böke, M., Muhler, M., von Keudell, A., Awakovicz, P..
From Active Catalysts to Efficient Electrolysers - Holistic and Sustainable Electrochemistry at Fraunhofer UMSICHT
Siegmund, D., Young Puring, K., Apfel, U.-P.
Production of activated carbon from municipal residual and waste wood using a suspended bed wood gasification process.
Hofmann A., Huber M.B., Larcher B., Greil K.H, Jäger D.
Influence of the Zeolite Framework Type on the Green Synthesis of Acrylic Acid from Lactic Acid
Häussermann, D., Traa, Y.
Synthesis gas production from sewage sludge for thermal use with removal of the phosphorus-containing ash for use in
a wide range of industrial sectors
Neagos, A., Böhning, D., Rauwolf, M., Kammler, T..
Sustainable Production of Carbon-Based Raw Materials for the Chemical Industry by Power-to-X Technologies
Müller, T.
Catalytic depolymerization of polyolefin-containing plastic wastes
Heymel, D., Schröter, S., Seitz, M.
Chemical Recycling of Plastic Waste - Two Ways to Substitute Fossil Resources in the Chemical Industry
Rieger, T.
Energy Efficiency - Key to Defossilizing the Chemical Industry
Bender, M.
A Business Case for Chemical Recycling - Recommendations for Techno-Economic Assessment of Chemical Recycling Technologies
Voss, R., Keller, F., Lee, R.P., Graebner, M..
Life Cycle Assessments of Environmental and Climate Impacts of Chemical Recycling Technologies - Towards a Systemic Approach for Transparency and Comparability
Keller, F., Voss, R., Lee, R.P., Graebner, M..
Technical and Environmental Assessment of Hydrogen Transport in Large-Scale Transmission Pipeline Networks.
Tsiklios, C., Hermesmann, M., Müller, T.