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Automotive Fuels

Factors Influencing Component Wear in the Fuel Supply System (Literature Review)

Product language is English.

The literature search provides a summary of the published information on diesel fuel contamination that can lead to wear and tear of the injection components. Furthermore, a thorough differentiation of individual wear mechanisms or the types of wear and the resulting wear phenomena in modern high-pressure diesel injection systems is presented. The most relevant wear types for diesel injection components are hydroerosive wear and three-body abrasive wear. In order to protect the diesel injection system against wear and tear, additional fine particle filters and DLC coatings with significantly higher hardness are used, which were discussed in detail in the following. For a better understanding of the factors influencing wear rates, it is necessary to develop analytical methods for the determination of particles of less than 4 μm in the fuel and based on these methods, to enable data collection and analysis of the particle distribution in diesel fuel. In addition, the material properties and the hardness of the particles also have an influence on the wear rate. Particle size distribution and particle material provide a basis for the selection of a suitable European-specific "test dust" for the performance of reproducible wear tests and for the differentiated quantitative assessment of individual influencing factors and wear mechanisms.

Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
Institut für Mobile Systeme (IMS)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hermann Rottengruber
Vladyslav Sazonov
Martin Corner
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100,00 €