Technical Committee Analytics
Composition of Gasolines Winter-grade 2022/2023
The last time DGMK carried out an extensive investigation of gasolines was in 2003. Due to the now greatly changed requirements for the fuel and the test methods, a new data collection was performed for this research report. For comparison, the results from the previous research report are displayed in the appendix.
Thirty-three samples of commercial gasoline from eleven supply points from refineries in German-speaking countries and imported goods were examined. One sample of Super 95 E5, one sample of Super 95 E10 and one sample of Super 98 gasoline were provided per delivery point.
The required test parameters for gasolines according to DIN EN 228 were determined. Only permissible test methods were used for the investigations. The investigations were carried out in the accredited laboratory of the Analytik-Service AG.
The tests showed that all samples comply with the required specification.
Michael Becker
Dr. Maximilian Jennerwein
Dr. Thomas Wilharm
Dr. Hendrik Stein
Dr. Oliver van Rheinberg
Dr. Maximilian Jennerwein
Dr. Thomas Wilharm
Dr. Hendrik Stein
Dr. Oliver van Rheinberg
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