The storage of hydrogen or the storage of natural gas-hydrogen mixtures places special demands on the technical equipment. Maintaining the functionality of the technical equipment (well completion) is crucial here. The members of the storage companies in the BVEG are therefore striving to systematically investigate the cementation of the last cemented pipe run (LzRT). The aim is to find out whether the cements typically used for boreholes are also suitable for hydrogen in terms of long-term impermeability and resistance. In its role as a neutral scientific association, the DGMK is coordinating this jointly funded industrial research project.
We invite you to participate in the planned research project "H₂ compatibility of UT cements" to submit an offer.
For further details and information on the research project, please contact here.
You can send questions and comments at any time up to and including July 19, 2024, informally to Dr. Susanne Kuchling direct.
Yours Offer available until July 19, 2024 to the head of the Department of Geo-Energy Systems and Underground Technologies, Dr. Susanne Kuchling.