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30.03.2022 | DGMK News, Honors and Awards

Announcement DGMK-Promotion Prize for Young Scientists | Carl Zerbe Prize

The DGMK awards the Carl-Zerbe Prize for outstanding scientific work by younger scientists in the fields of: Processing and application of carbon carriers, such as their conversion (gasification, liquefaction, pyrolysis, synthesis, hydrogenation and similar processes) and the resulting products. The prize is endowed with 5000 euros.

Award winners are required to report on their work during a DGMK event. The presentations will be published in the journal EEK TECHNOLOGY & TRANSFORMATION OF FOSSIL AND GREEN ENERGY SOURCES, the organ of the DGMK.

The DGMK 'Carl-Zerbe' Award 2022 is hereby publicly announced. Please send reasoned proposals for the award, self-applications are possible, by June 30, 2022 to the management of the DGMK:

DGMK German Society for Sustainable Energy Carriers, Mobility and Carbon Cycles e.V.
Dr. Gesa Netzeband