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Technical Committee Analytics

Annual Meeting of Analysts 2019

Wintershall Dea Haus (City North) in Hamburg
Überseering 40, 22297 Hamburg


The Refining and Product Application Division of the DGMK continues the tradition of the annual meetings of analysts. This year the 26th meeting will take place.

The aim of the event is the intensive exchange of knowledge and experience about the daily practice of the analysis of mineral oil products during refining and product application. This year's focus is on topics from the field of product analysis.

We hope to welcome you to the conference and invite you to participate.

Wolfgang Gorek
Chair DGMK Technical Committee Analytics

Jan Ludzay
Head of Processing and Application Department


Cold resistance of diesel fuel and operability of vehicles (DGMK Project 764 part 1 and 2)

Dr. Oliver van Rheinberg, BP Europe SE

Experience with the changeover to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018

Dr. Heike Manke, Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH

Biodiesel: Elemental loading of exhaust aftertreatment systems and new parameters

Maren Dietrich, AGQM Biodiesel Quality Management Working Group

Coffee Break

Analysis of Oxygenates in Petroleum Products using GC-AED

Dr. Paul Konieczny, Joint Analytical Systems GmbH

Combination of TGA, IR and DSC measurements to characterize the stability of the grease

Simon Eiden, TEC4FUELS GmbH

Analysis of conjugated diolefins in gasoline using GC-VUV

Dr. Maximilian Jennerwein, ASG Analytik-Service Gesellschaft mbH

from 19.00
Dinner at the Kalliopea Restaurant

Neue Wöhr 14 | 22307 Hamburg

Limits and new possibilities for on-site measurement of hazardous substances at workplaces and for outdoor measurements

Stefan Denker, Daniel Budde, Dräger Safety AG & Co. KGaA

Analysis of deposits

Karin Brendel, OWI Oel-Waerme-Institut gGmbH

Structural analysis of heavy oil fractions compounds refractory to hydrodenitrogenation reactions by high-resolution tandem mass spectrometry and ion mobility spectrometry

Dr. Christopher Rüger, University of Rostock, Faculty of Interdisciplinary Research

Coffee Break

Investigation of fouling reactions at the molecular level

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schrader, Max Planck Institute for Coal Research

Oxy-methylene-di-methylether (OMEx) as an alternative for diesel fuel and blend compound: properties, additizing and compatibility with fossil and renewable fuels

Dr. Svetlana Crusius, ERC Additiv GmbH

Challenges in the analysis of fuels with OME content using standard fuel analysis

Nina Sittinger, OWI Oel-Waerme-Institut gGmbH


Conference Fee

The conference fee includes participation in the conference, conference documents, coffee breaks, lunch and dinner; incl. 7 % VAT on the catering fee.
The same conference fees apply to speakers.

Personal Member of the DGMK/ÖGEW
170,00 EUR
210,00 EUR


Registration is requested by 16 November 2019. The number of participants is limited. 

After registration you will receive an invoice for the conference fee to be paid.
Please no advance payments!

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if different from the registration address
If an order number or cost centre must appear on the invoice or other special features must be observed, please inform us in advance using the text field.
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Event Coordinator

Jan Ludzay

Head of the Refining and Product Application Department

Nadine Ludzay

Coordination Refining and Product Application