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Jonas Weinitschke/


Energy System Transformation in Transport - Contribution of "Greenhouse Gas-Reduced Fuels"

DEA-Haus Hamburg, Conference Zone on the Ground Floor
Überseering 40, 22297 Hamburg
Guests are very welcome. A registration is not necessary.

For the further development of future strategies in climate protection it is necessary to be constantly informed about current research and research results. Due to the dynamics and the large number of projects, it is important to try to establish a practical reference at an early stage and to avoid duplication.

The DGMK's Greenhouse Gas Reduction Research Committee was established to obtain and evaluate a technical overview of completed, ongoing and planned projects on the topic of greenhouse gas reduction. In addition to DGMK board members, fuel experts and research managers from the petroleum and energy industries were appointed to the committee. To support the work of the committee, a project was commissioned to evaluate raw materials and processes for the production of GHG-reduced or GHG-neutral gaseous or liquid hydrocarbons or energy sources. Results of this project will be presented at this regional group event by the project officers of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg.


Energy System Transformation in Transport - Contribution of "Greenhouse Gas-Reduced Fuels"

Dr.-Ing. Thomas Kuchling, Dipl.-Ing. Andrej Awgustow, Prof. Dr. Sven Kureti, TU Bergakademie Freiberg

Exchange of ideas over a small snack

Event Coordinator

Dr. Felix Weise

Chairman of the Regional Group

Ines Musekamp

Coordination of the Department Geo-Energy-Systems and Subsurface Technologies